[TOURNAMENT] Soup PVP Brackets! 1v1s and 2v2s

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by PRO_G4NGST4, May 26, 2013.

  1. Um, how do I load a map?

    I've tried uploading the world zip and decompressing it, that came up with a big sand thing. Then I uploaded the region files, and I just got a normal world...
  2. Pro is no longer stupid, or dumb! YAYAYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYAYYYY!
  3. Uhmm.. Unzip it before and upload the folder to the root FTP directory
    EDIT: You have to change the world name in multicraft.. I just changed it for you to the map name.
  4. Added you both, I updated the sign up rules, please read them if you want to join.
  5. Gave me a huge flat sand thing.

    Anyone know how to quickly remove a 5000 by 5000 block square in worldedit quickly?
  6. Uhm.. Yeah. please just PM me the map file, I'll get it set up
    PRO_G4NGST4 likes this.
  7. Bump, we need more than 2 people!
  8. Bump, I figured out the maps and stuff (more like golfer did, though :p). Plugins are in place, and it looks like it'll be ready.
  9. Ooo I'll join a 2v2 team, any partner is fine :DDDDDD
  10. Added.

    PortalShoo2er likes this.
  11. Ill enter but I'm only available till Friday 7 pm EST then I'm out for a week.

    Any brackets fine :)
  12. This event is in two weeks, and on saturday er sunday, so I think it'll be fine.
  13. Ill team with Portal! :p
    PortalShoo2er likes this.
  14. I'm going to join with Rxflection in the 2v2s. He forgot his password to EMC so he can't post.. Also he doesn't play EMC often so all the award money is going to me if we win.

  15. Huh. I didn't know those guidelines existed.. lol.
  16. Sorry I will have to resign. I will not be available
  17. Okay, I did make the mistake of saying it was on sat. It's on sunday, does that change anything?

    Can you post a screenshot of him confirming this?
  18. No It doesn't sorry I wish I could come D: