Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Gadget_AD, May 21, 2013.

  1. I use an xbox almost 5 times a week, because I go to my friend's house to play it :p
    mba2012 likes this.
  2. Em how does Microsoft suck. Can you explain for I don't think it sucks.
  3. The PS3 has better graphics capability. But it is the developers that really matter. If you average developer only
    half donkeysmall.jpg es it again (cough Activision cough), the graphics will likely be similar again.
    mba2012 and cddm95ace like this.
  4. Fine then, if you used it all the time like me :p
  5. Please state a reason:)
  6. I'm already setting money aside for this haha.

    I don't know the accuracy of, but I do know that if the PS4 does have a "Motion-sensing six-axis, clickable touch pad, share button" that to me, that's a huge turn-off.

    This controller really bothered me, but they fixed it up real nice, in my opinion.

    The Xbox one controller has an upgraded directional pad, and the reason the xbox controller feels awkward to you is because you're used to a play station controller. The same goes for me towards the play station. I find it rather unwieldy but love the xbox controller. To each his own I guess.

    I find the specs to be pretty close so it won't really make a difference to me. I was thinking of going with the PS4 but the three things that bother me are the 1) Free online gaming and 2) The controllers, and finally 3) The home menu.

    1) Free online gaming attracts a lot of people, and after playing hours of PSN at friends houses, a lot (Not all) of the people who complain about it feel entitled to a perfect service, even though they aren't paying for it. Not to mention the huge Lack of safety that it has.
    2) I've never liked play station controllers. I also think the whole "Touch pad in the controller" is stupid as well. I also don't like the idea of a "motion-sensing six-axis" controller simply because that means that if I move / adjust myself it could affect gameplay. I also find the R2/L2 buttons placed inconveniently.
    3) I feel that Xbox's home menu was much more organized and easier to manage. PS3 seemed to have it all clumped together and it really bothered me.

    I've always preferred the xbox but never had anything really bad to say about the ps3. I just hope that the Xbox one happens to be backwards compatible (Can play xbox 360 games). That'd be a huge downer for me.

    So anyways, I think that it really just depends on you personally if you're gonna get an Xbox One or PS4.
    mba2012 and Jake_bagby like this.
  7. Meh... I have become a PC elitist, so I really don't have an opinion on this. The two consoles will be much more graphically equal this generation. If I ever buy one of the consoles it will probably later in the generation, and I will buy it for exclusives. But so far I haven't seen anything to get me excited for buying either of them. All of this TV sounds kind of cool assuming one watches TV, and I don't. Also, could they have chosen a worst name. And I like how Microsoft is still trying to make Smart Glass sound like a good idea...
    mba2012, SoulPunisher and jkjkjk182 like this.
  8. All their computers are non user friendly, ugly, big, and inefficiently slow. Their web browser is not well organized, their keyboard has very few special commands with control, and the pixel age is very low. Everything is different with Apple.
  9. *facepalm* Im not even going to argue this one, all hope is lost.
    mba2012, cddm95ace, boozle628 and 3 others like this.
  10. It looks like a 1980s VCR. :p
  11. No you are all wrong. Microsoft is nearly better than apple in my opinion and there computers look really nice and there keyboard is fine. The only thing apple are good for is the iPad and iPhone.
  12. Even though you awkwardly quoted me, the reason I posted that controller is because it was the only awkward/clunky xbox controller in my opinon
  13. Ahh that explains it.
  14. LIKE LIKE LIKE! I'm not even putting my effort to argue with boozlle's comment

    Yeah I don't really like the design either, it thought it would look better and AGAIN microsoft are pushing kinect in my face, which i think is useless for what it is.
    mba2012 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  15. Well if the kinect 2 comes with the xbox one, cool, but if not, it doesn't seem like it's necessary, more of a luxury item. I really don't care about waving my hand to turn a page haha. I also don't think all the "fun" games will have it integrated, so it shouldn't make a difference.
  16. They're naming it "Xbox One" because they're going by degrees.
    1 comes after 360 on a protractor.
    It's going to go down the toilet, anyways, why are we discussing it?
  17. You cant really use Internet Explorer as an arguing point...I mean lets be honest here:

    Internet Explorer is optimized and designed for downloading Google Chrome
    uglydragon, cac32234, mba2012 and 6 others like this.
  18. I haven't payed attention to consoles since I got a good PC, so I won't be picking this up.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  19. What do you mean by 'It's going to go down the toilet'? If you mean its not going ot be successful, then you are very wrong indeed.
    talukegord likes this.