EMC Ecological Wild Conservation Group

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Tazri, Apr 8, 2012.

  1. What do you actually do? Just walk around the wild planting trees? filling holes?
    Does it pay?
    Seems easy enough.
  2. I have no idea, but this seems like a worthwhile effort. Perhaps even build a base out in the wild to coordinate and work on this. Any one interested in bringing this back?
    Chascarrillo likes this.
  3. This group is alive! :mad:
    Accepted! :)
  4. I'm currently on vacation, in September we'll build an outpost at smp2
  5. Haha alright Chas, I'll join if it stays alive :p
    Chascarrillo likes this.
  6. Sign me in
    Chascarrillo likes this.
  7. Lol... You both accepted. I'm writing the EWCG Book right now and I'll distribute it when I finish it.
  8. Good ol' times... :')
  9. I'll join :)
    Chascarrillo likes this.
  10. GOod! Get some stacks of dirt and begin plugging holes :)
    AliceF3 likes this.
  11. The wild was generated for its resources to be harvested. We have Town for creating things with aesthetic appeal.
  12. Im in!
    I hate falling in them darn holes!
  13. Why haven't I seen this before, I wanted to make smp 4's wilderness look a little cleaner along time ago, but that didn't happen. If you're interested I can make a small HQ on SMP 1, Count me in! :)
    Edit- Wow, I didn't see how old this thread is I thought it said april 2013 not 2012, that is why I have never saw this thread.
  14. I wish you fall in a hole and die
    You'll understand then
    jacob5089 likes this.
  15. If this is still active, I'm in!
  16. Good!
  17. Fixed the OP
  18. Count me in
  19. Well, surely traversing the ravaged wild is part of the survival element of retrieving resources?