Whats Your Favorite Cereal

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by mayorprofessor, Apr 27, 2013.

  1. No seriously where do you buy these cereals I wanna get them they look so good the Cinnabon and French toast ones :O
    In Britain they're called Shreddies.
    I hate Shreddies.

    I'm sorry but I am the cereal master.
    I love cereal.
    I NEED to judge you all you ALL on cereal-taste.
  3. We only recently got fruit loops.
    Some of the cereal us brits don't get:
    Lucky Charms (all types)
    Cap'n Crunch (all types)
    Banana Nut Cheerios
    Reese's Puffs
  4. Golden grahams are not shreddies and available in the UK (along with the lovely cinnamon grahams).
    Shreddies are Chex in the states I believe.
    Inuyasha1204 likes this.
  5. Wal-Mart
  6. What's my favorite cereal?

    All of them. Except for you, Honey Bunches of Oats.
  7. Can I just say, that of all the cereals so far listed, there is a shocking lack of nutrition throughout bar a select few.

    All I'm seeing are lots of people getting jacked up on sugar. :D
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  8. This cereal is no longer made, probably because cookies+cereal= Not good.
  9. You guys are missing out D:
  10. South Korea has them. Considering moving to South Korea.
    daegoo and jkjkjk182 like this.
  11. how about buying them online?
  12. No. South Korea is the answer.
    Adderwolf71 likes this.
  13. Well, with NK and stuff I think right now is not the best time to move to South Korea.
    Jeanzl2000 and KingGeorge3rd like this.
  14. Never see them Eva :O
  15. Love this cereal. Couldn't get more though.
  16. Lucky Charms - No idea what they are.
    Cap'n Crunch - No idea what they are.
    Banana Nut Cheerios - Sounds disgusting.
    Reese's Puffs - I'm guessing it has something to do with this?:

    We have them over here :p
    KingGeorge3rd likes this.
  17. Lucky Charms: Basically tasteless boring cereal with marshmallows, the only part people eat.
    Cap'n Crunch: Heaven in cereal form.
    Banana Nut Cheerios: Wouldn't doubt what you said.
    Reese's Puffs: Pretty much, yes.