Hey Empire, guess what? MORE HOSTAGES. Oh, but these aren't your normal hostages. Well, hostage. OH WHO CARES?! I want 1 bazillion rupees in 3 to 5 business days, or he get's it. And just to make the point I'm not fooling. The clock is ticking... Tick, tick, tick... ...tock.
The last time I saw a macbook that old I fell off my dinosaur. But seriously, that thing is ancient. Even if it was new, you wouldn't have the guts to waste that much money.
You know what Mac's that old are good for? Semi-Auto M4's I have honest to god used one as a target. M4's are fun..... Destroying Shooting about 30 rounds into an old computer and leaving nothing left to even identify that it was a computer in the first place is more fun.
My father and I going to buy a bunch of em after this whole gun ban crap has blown over. Maybe i can lend you some
I prefer to turn computers into Linux machines rather than shoot them. I'm typing this on a computer from 2007.