report: Shimmer...has almost 2k views...not even matured. It may die. Noooo! Still have the eggs that I am willing to trade in my sig. Oh yea, I got a second silver hatchie. Striped army number at eight....
I looked at other shimmer and they all had at least 6k views and around 40 clicks. They usually had around 3k unique clicks.
Actually I've been looking for a red dorsal, if there's something I can breed to trade, just tell me EDIT: Woot, had not refreshed the page xD Never mind.
Everyone is busy getting nice eggs, while I just grab a egg I did not got already, wait until it becomes adult, and chooses another, without caring what kind of egg it is
Okay, I can do 2 stripe hatchies/eggs just gimme a sec, Ice one please? Then Thunder, please save it for meh!
All eggs are nice. I do the same, completing the list of commons, but at the same time I pick rare eggs by sheer luck you have room for at least 4 eggs so you can have a bit of everything.