[forumgame] The New Era 2.0

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by 72Volt, Apr 4, 2013.

  1. I destroyed most of North Japan, not South Japan. You still have a chance to rebuild NJ.
  2. The UK pulls out of Japan and closes all communication with them until further notice. UK sends out several new missile detection systems incase of retaliation from Japan or its Aissergorp buddies.
  3. Well then.....
    Nation: North Korea
    Government type (How you will act): A small but powerful government that all relies on one leader, Become Hostile when attacked or provoked
    Population (May not exceed 50 million): 20 million
    Army size ( May not exceed 20 thousand): 20 thousand
  4. Aissergorp wishes to join Anglendia. They have a powerful secret to offer if they are accepted.
  5. Whatever we like. With minimum barriers to trade.
  6. Where in the world are you located? :p
  7. This seems fun!

    Nation: Switzerland
    Government Type: Democratic. Will become hostile if need be.
    Population: 10 million
    Army size: 20 thousand
    mba2012 likes this.
  8. I'm the former Soviet Union which renamed myself with my unpredictable and eccentric name :p
    mba2012 likes this.
  9. Anglendia offers you a position in Anglendia.
  10. Anglendia will deny becoming a member. But we can have trade relations.
  11. No, I want to join you guys as a member, not the other way around :p
    mba2012 likes this.
  12. Anglendia would like to formally apologise to Japan for our terrible actions against you. We admit that it was wrong of us to attack you in such a way. We will reopen communications with you. But please be warned, any provocation and we will take action against you. As a sign of friends ship we would like to accept the delivery of some of your engines for testing on some of our experimental aircraft.

    Anglendia is also beginning work on a tunnel under the English Channel. This tunnel will be the first hard connection to our island state. We are going to begin work on developing a massive high speed rail network throughout Anglendia.
  13. lol read your post wrong and Soul was spamming me on skype about this guy watching him through his window. :p
    We will think about it.
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  14. HAY! He was scaring me but then the police came and he legged it about 10 mins down the road...

    The UK's borders remain closed to Japan but five of the missile detecting ships are sent back to the country for future service, leaving only 2, with their other 10 elders in action.

    The UK also has to go now because its dad says "Go to sleep"...So CYA!
    mba2012 likes this.
  15. Switzerland thanks Anglendia for it's offer but only considers them a neutral at this point. Switzerland would like to open trade relations, but is yet to make any decisions on whom to join.

    Shorter Version: not yet.
    mba2012 likes this.
  16. A neutral? We just bombed Japan :p Anyway we will trade with you. :D
  17. A neutral threat to switzerland. You have not provoked us or helped us so far. But we thank you for opening trade with us.
    mba2012 likes this.
  18. Switzerland has begun to trade with Anglendia. Switzerland hopes that this will benifit both powers
    mba2012 likes this.
  19. Do you have to be accepted or do you just start playing? :S
    mba2012 likes this.
  20. Anglendia has just bought 100 trains from Canada. There are probably more orders to come. The high speed rail network in Anglendia is proceeding along in construction nicely. Paris-Toulouse is expected to be the busiest route as it links the country's to main cities. This line will hopefully be complete very soon. It will launch the high speed rail network.