North Korea has "entered" war with South Korea

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Mar 30, 2013.

  1. I am do not know how much CNN is pushing it, but it seems like NK has a mid range missile on the launch pad/in air. According to them, this missile has enough range to do a dent in Calcutta. I is not clear how legit this news is, ratings. I do not believe it, can anyone verify that.

    Edit: It is a shorterange missile than predicted
  2. This is a map of how far N.K's missiles could go.

  3. Based off of this. Their claims to attack us if we aid S.K. are worthless.
    Unless they plan on attacking Alaska.
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  4. Or guAm, or any of the other U.S. controlled territories near Asia.
  5. Oh......right.....forgot about that.
    Well crap ._.

    I think i would feel more comfortable about all this if i could trust our Commander In Chief to handle this properly.
  6. ok, it is official. Mid range ballistic, Musudon (not nuke!!!! as far as i know) missals are headed for the coast of NK. If it is a Musudon, it cannot hit Guam. It CAN hit Japan, SK, and several US marital facility. I am not saying they are going to do it, and don't panic, but i think we are going to war (not WW3). It would be suaside for NK. More to come soon, sorry fo sloppy writing
  7. The missiles have been at the coast for more than a day. This isn't new.
    mba2012 likes this.

  8. We must be huge fans of North Korea.
    and don't worry, everyone can come to my bomb shelter when WW3 starts.
  9. THIS ISN'T. WW3.
  11. NINJATTILA likes this.
  12. Needed to verify it.
  13. North Korea's a nutjob, you never know what they're gonna do...
    However, I do agree with the fact that this is not gonna be a third World War.
    britbrit3197, mba2012 and L0tad like this.
  14. Thanks then. I feel i need to say this age, just to verify

    THE MISSILES ARE NOT NUKES. Just being proactive, preventing flame wars :)
  15. Nuclear Warfare will never happen.

    Simply because we know what will happen and it WILL be our extinction event. I think we'd like to delay that as much as possible...

    Yes, I am saying one day we'll be extinct and be dug up and studied by some other dominant race in a few million years.
    L0tad and NINJATTILA like this.
  16. Whos Jim you mean Kim? xD

    Also a little something for all our nerves.

    BilboBaggins23 likes this.
  17. WW3
    What do I get?
  18. Free Candy! ^_^