A simple DragonCave thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by autumnrain26, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. :eek:.. We have converted you.. :3
  2. MUWHAHAHHA We have converted another!

  3. Battmeghs! <3

    I think around 9:15pm PST?
  4. i don't know if i have the patience to sit here for 4-5 days and wait for these things to hatch. >.<
  5. Maybe, if you get addicted, you will end up not being able to wait until they do :p BTW you would probably love the alt of this breed http://dragcave.wikia.com/wiki/Black_Dragon
  6. Hmmm... Wonder how my eggies are.
    Lasluin likes this.
  7. For what I've been reading, you need to breed a black dragon to get an alt black with luck. I have seen black eggses in the abandoned page while refreshing to get my new ones. I don't know how to trade yet but I'll try to get you two blackies, or maybe a moar experienced trainer can help out :p
  8. I could help with that. Do you want me to wait till your eggs hatch or do you want to abandon an egg or 2 and I can trade you one now.
  9. does you haz one? :eek: - cannot abandon my wittle eggehs i found today. will you wait?
    jacob5089 likes this.
  10. Here! It's Lady Batman who might like a blackie. I'd say she should only get Blacks and create an army xD I carefully picked up mine but thanks a lot, I'll probably ask for help soon once these hatch, I'm after some Nebulas next.

    EDIT: I got seriously ninjaed. Happy batsies breeding!
  11. I don't have an alt, but I can continually breed some till I get one for you. I have a bunch of regular blacks (...which sounds really racist) if you want an egg.
    jacob5089 and battmeghs like this.
  12. Well, my only option for checking DC is to use the mobile version. This will not end well. :p
    jacob5089 likes this.

    Grow my children. GROW
    jacob5089 likes this.
  14. Dude, I haven't posted on this thread on a desktop.... ever.

    This is my first desktop post.

    APG in 5 days.
  15. I like how it has 'xen' in it, but I hate how I can't understand a single bit.:confused:
  16. XD

    Can't wait!
  17. How.
    How did you get all those dragons.
  18. Luckiness.

    Dem drags be hatchies! Love this batch I got comin!