AMA & give away, yo.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by _Paku, Mar 18, 2013.

  1. Curundu likes this.
  2. You removed me from the 1 number I wanted the most, ditch 61 instead.
  3. You never had five.
    Everything is staying as is.
  4. Excuse my terrible Writing abilities on my comp xD
    But the winnerss are

    Drum roll pleasee!
    1st prize:

    2nd prize:

    3rd prize:

    4th prize:

    5th prize:

    All prizes can be picked up at thug mart (10002 on smp5)
    Take the winners teleport.

  5. Aye ye matey, grats to yall winnars, I shall ave ye better luck next time! (pirate talk is hard....)
    Jcplugs likes this.
  6. Shiver me timbers! A pile of shiny jewels! That Jcplugs is a right generous lass!
  7. Wow :) yay thanks JC :D

    Unfortunately i wont be able to log on until the 1.5 release is pushed through :( but still :D yayzles :D
  8. There is now a nether passage to for access to the spot.

    So far I have found:

    A complex cavern system
    An abandoned mineshaft
    A cave spider spawner
    A zombie spawner

    and . . . death

    Err, embarrassed. Posted to a thread instead of a conversation. Still abandoned mineshafts ftw. :D
    B4DMAN5IMON likes this.
  9. You won the 5k:)
    B4DMAN5IMON likes this.