Random Giveaway!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Noxavis, Feb 22, 2013.


Is Doctor Who awesome?

Yes 38 vote(s) 62.3%
No 5 vote(s) 8.2%
What? 18 vote(s) 29.5%
  1. [/quote]I am going to go with no. It really isn't fair to everyone else.[/quote]
    Ok i thought not but it was worth a try :p
    catwarrior7 likes this.
  2. Bump. Just a few hours left.
    I haven't decided what time I will do it.
    It will be a surprise! :eek:

    "Seriously, there is an outrageous amount of running involved" :D
    penfoldex likes this.
  3. if i can still get in on this, can u give me a number?
    catwarrior7 likes this.
  4. Order of my choice if possible. Start with 69 and work the way over if the front numbers are not available.
    69, 61, 52, 58, 65, 68, 53, 66, 53, 67
    catwarrior7 likes this.
  5. You get 58.

  6. ok thanks!:D
    catwarrior7 likes this.
  7. 8 numbers left!
    catwarrior7 likes this.
  8. 66 please.
    catwarrior7 likes this.
  9. Why not... 61 please : )
    catwarrior7 likes this.
  10. 52 plox:)
    catwarrior7 likes this.
  11. Added.
    Jcplugs likes this.
  12. Is 42 available? If not I will pick 39. Or if those are both taken here is the order for what numbers I'll chose: 57, 49, 51, 43, 21, 18, and if all of those are picked I will chose Potato. And if potato is taken I will take the smallest number untaken.
    catwarrior7 likes this.
  13. 73 please

    Edit: I think I don't know doctor who, but I think it's awesome:)
    catwarrior7 likes this.
  14. 68 please!
    catwarrior7 likes this.
  15. You got 53.


    All added.
    That number is also taken sorry.
  16. Thanks but what number did I get?
    catwarrior7 likes this.
  17. Sorry, I bolded it, you got 69.
  18. catwarrior, stormboy231 is banned, just to let you know:)
    catwarrior7 and OrigamiJoe like this.