Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by TheMiniKins, Feb 24, 2013.

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  1. 607 in the lead with 6300r
    TerryDaTerrorist likes this.
  2. Come on! I've saw 1 double chest go for 4.5k just a few days ago
    TerryDaTerrorist likes this.
  3. Acookiegod in the lead with 6500!
    TerryDaTerrorist likes this.
  4. Terry is in da lead with 7k
    TerryDaTerrorist likes this.
  5. Why do I leave at such Nnoying times? Goodbye bump
    TerryDaTerrorist likes this.
  6. Oh mah good ness.. 7500
    TerryDaTerrorist likes this.
  7. Back from school bump, and cookie, this money will be used to pay you... So if you will you will be basically getting this for free
    TerryDaTerrorist likes this.
  8. Bumping time since its been about 6 hrs I think
    TerryDaTerrorist likes this.
  9. 8k I like ze pearls!
  10. Goodnight guys! TerryDaTerrorist is in the lead with 8k!
  11. Why all of a sudden is everyone selling insane amounts of things ()_o i dont think i have seen a auction that didnt inclued "DC" in the title in a while :p
  12. You kidden? 16 DC of Ender Pearls doesnt cost 45k XD But good bid, im gone :)
  13. You are only allowed to auction beacons, enchanted items or items with a minimal amount of 1 DC
  14. No cuz auction up to 15 I think cause 13 dc's have been auction last year I think
  15. Guys this is getting off topic. 12k
  16. Yeah, getting a bit off topic guys, Terry in the lead with 12k!
    TerryDaTerrorist likes this.
  17. Bumpy bump
    TerryDaTerrorist likes this.
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