[Feb 21] Server Update

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Aikar, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. Ghast's have ranges of up to about 100 blocks.

    mba2012, darkvilla and SoulPunisher like this.
  2. Awesome update!
  3. Sweet Perk Aikar, thanks for making the server as amazing as you can! :)
  4. Hmm, guess I'll add a specific check for EntityFlying to use default range
  5. why cant gold be teal? why must it be gold :p
  6. yeah its really annoying too lol you hear the cat sounds but cant figure out where the things are coming from till they hit you and then they usually have moved behind something i hate their ranges
  7. Heres Our world configs, item frames are misc, so 32 blocks:
        entity-activation-range-misc: 8
        entity-activation-range-animals: 16
        entity-activation-range-monsters: 32
        entity-tracking-range-players: 48
        entity-tracking-range-animals: 48
        entity-tracking-range-monsters: 48
        entity-tracking-range-misc: 32
        entity-tracking-range-max: 48
        entity-activation-range-monsters: 16
        entity-tracking-range-players: 64
        entity-tracking-range-animals: 32
        entity-tracking-range-max: 64
        entity-activation-range-misc: 1
        entity-activation-range-animals: 16
        entity-activation-range-monsters: 1
    mba2012 and AlexChance like this.
  8. yay planetside 2 gets an update today and emc too? :D
  9. hmmm this might be just me but is anyone else getting weird animation lag for bows? dunno if this is even relevant
  10. Can someone explain the tag things too me..?
  11. The name above your head is now pretty and funny colored. :)
    mba2012 and Curundu like this.
  12. The name above your head lol, that is coloured based on supporter/staff
  13. I want to know why you didn't use TagAPI? :confused:
    Anyways, awesome update :D
  14. I would personally love to see how laggy EMC would be if Aikar just added a default bukkit.jar and installed all the plugins that EMC uses (That don't increase performance).
    mba2012 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  15. Tag API still requires writing code to pull this off (Tag API is simply an API, you then write an event for it to do the colored tags)

    It would actually require more code/work to do this with TagAPI, and would add another NMS dependency that has to be updated every minecraft update.

    This version is better in every way for us.

    Would be pretty bad... This is why every big server uses Spigot =P

    But, we actually can not use normal Bukkit any more. We have custom events added into our build (For entity limiter and fireworks), so it would crash if we tried to use normal Bukkit.
    mba2012 and SoulPunisher like this.
  16. Spigot is better in every way, which is why I use it on my private server. I'm in charge of everything technical on ****'s server, and I forced him to let me use Spigot just for the in-built antiXray and better CPU usage :p
  17. When you fire an arrow it will travel tell it gets to the SEE entities range then drop to the ground.
    Also when you shot at a mob that is in range the arrow will bounce of it and there will be a delay before it die's.

    This is bothersome for killing blaze and ghast with bows & arrows.
    Will probably make running around nether fortress to hunt wither skulls more time consuming since you have to be close to see wither skeletons.
    bitemenow15 likes this.
  18. I love that song XD
  19. i think the arrow travels the full distance cause ive gotten hit registers but i see the arrow fall before it hits
  20. I def see the issue.

    It appears arrows are not gaining the immunity check they are suppose to when they are not in the ground.

    Will look into fixing when I get home.