Delta Team : Group Mining/Hunting

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by copherfield, Feb 7, 2012.

  1. Yeah i will schedulle another one inside week time, the only problem is that i need to find a Mining Master first, because i won't make it to early in the morning activities (in at school).
    Whoever asked at his application to be mining master will be contacted soon by our staff in order to test him/her :)
    Also, i will periodically select more General Coordinators to do such task also :D
  2. SunnyDayz100 i'm sorry but for many troubles :( there will be no 5:30pm GMT-5 time activity :/ but, at week time we will schedulle some other activities soon :)
  3. Ah okay, that's fine. :3
    Squizzel_Boy likes this.
  4. Well I'm off to bed so I will be on the forums but AFK :/
    copherfield likes this.
  5. Well I wouldnt have made it anyway, I just came back from my concert at Hilbert Circle Theatre. I rocked my solo! :)
    nmanley likes this.
  6. WoW awesome bro! hope it was awesome for you too :p what did you play? guitar?
    Squizzel_Boy likes this.
  7. Violin. Gosh it is so weird when you're the only one playing a certain high note... :p
  8. I find violin a so demanding instrument, maybe we could hear your solo? youtube video? :)
  9. Crap I didn't record it. Well, it would have been hard to do anyway. Put it in the audience? Lol :)
  10. :p anyways, i believe it was awesome, because once again we Delta Team fellow's are all awesome! ;)
  11. Haha. I recorded it on my smartphone but that has bad quality and no YouTube upload features( I wonder sometimes why they callit a smart phone) :p
  12. Well, this pics show's our work :p
    PD: the last 4 ones show's a love expression by one Delta Team fellow to a Delta Team Girl :)
    2012-02-12_11.45.20.png 2012-02-12_11.46.56.png 2012-02-12_11.50.15.png 2012-02-12_11.51.46.png 2012-02-12_12.04.58.png 2012-02-12_20.28.22.png 2012-02-12_20.30.50.png 2012-02-12_20.37.23.png 2012-02-12_20.37.28.png
    nmanley and SunnyDayz100 like this.
  13. HAHAHA loved the pics. :D Who invited the creeper???
    copherfield likes this.
  14. Argh! The first few pictures look so fun! I wish I would have came! xD
  15. There will be more to come ;)
  16. Special Delta Team guest.
    nmanley likes this.
  17. Hey ... sent ya a pm. ;)
  18. looks like you all had some fun :)
  19. Well shame I had to leave in a hurry and i killed like 5 creepers that day and I Think I should get hunting master well don't as I'm V.P so that will be odd xD

    lets give it to ........... YOU decide xP