So I've been getting this issue for a while now but never got around to making a thread asking for help. Basically, whenever I go onto an EMC live map I can't scroll left or right on the dynamic map, but I can select players to lock on-to and view other dimensions. It happens on every live map and in every world. >.> It works on Internet Explorer, so it's obviously something to do with my Google Chrome browser which is the only one that I use. And when I click to try and move my view around, it comes up with the cursor that I would see as I write this post (text editing cursor, like "I" ) So, does anyone know how I can fix this? Any help would be really appreciated
Firefox is nice but really clunky. This is weird, because the live-map works fine for me, and I am using chrome...
I haven't come across this issue... I mainly use chrome although I tend to use FireFox, Internet Explorer & Safari...
I've heard of a few folks having this issue as of late. However, every time I take a look at it there are no issues. I am also running chrome.