Latest theft/greif

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by ajmyers34, Feb 2, 2013.

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  1. Someone joined the Empire earlier, and was banned within the hour of them joining for illegal mods. Don't get much better than that, considering it was all verified by a human.

    If you want better than that, then good luck. True "xray mod detection" will only really be possible when the mod API exists.

    We have antixray built into our version of bukkit - not that details need sharing. Just know, it works and xrayers WILL be caught.
    Chascarrillo, mba2012 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  2. If you think that was quick, one time this guy got banned about a minute into the server for flying hacks
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  3. Are you saying that your locked chests were broken into? Or...?
    mba2012 likes this.
  4. No .....I took someone's advice and locked all the chests! But the wart farm, anvil, Enchantment Table (and the bookshelves) all gone ...for the second time now. The fact that the "new" location was, by far, COMPLETELY hidden - to say that there is no way you'd know I was there would be an UNDERSTATEMENT - and to fall victim to this type of game play yet again is extremely frustraiting say the least !
  5. Nothing is completely hidden. It's an impossibility.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  6. Unfortunately for you, you can be found anywhere in about 3 seconds. And your main structure is GIGANTIC and very obvious on the live map, unless you are playing around in someone elses area.
    JackBiggin likes this.
  7. How so?!!!!
  8. Well the "good" xray mods allow you to select which blocks you want to see. So lava doesnt hide chests anymore, if thats what you are referring to.
  9. I could hide a single sponge block 1000000 blocks out in the wild, in a spot underground. It would be completely hidden, and no one could know where it was.

    However, someone could still find this sponge block, by going out the same route as me (by chance), and digging in the same area as me.

    It's extremely unlikely, but it's possible.
  10. Seems like you have some experience working with them... suspicious...
  11. Seems like you have some experience detecting people who detect xrayers... suspicious...
    jkjkjk182 and HylianNinja like this.
  12. Lol. After i saw a way for the server to disable the "printer" function on the Schematica MC Forum thread, i went looking for a something similar for Aikar to implement against xray mods, which required me to familiarize myself with their MC Forum thread:p
  13. That story sounds very convenient...
  14. -_-
  15. Yeah're right ...that sturcture is Massive and easily found on the Live Map. So ...following the first devastating robbery, we moved ....away from the Main structure. The location of the new area .....was .... if you didnt know where it was .....YOU DON"T FIND IT ! Unless, of course, you're cheating. Clearly, in this case, the cheater has destroyed our newest secret spot cheating.

    And to answer all the other "you need to move futher out" comments .....How far do you go? By the terms (and rules) of this Server, I could build a structure begining immediately beyond the "safe zone" and it should be fine and protected .....right? While I realize that this is unrealistic, to begin a project of this magintude (a 25 min walk from an Outpost!) I thought I would be safe. Again, the Live Map here is my downfall. No matter where I build, the Live Map woudl show it ....and some punk kid would roll along and greif/steal my things because he's got nothing better to do. In fact ....I watched bleep AND bloop wander the Map today searching all those filled in fingers beyond the main spawn circles looking for areas to greif/steal from. Neither of these two have any purpose being where I saw them today ....except to ruin it for everyone else.
  16. 10000-15000 from any outpost is a good start. Also, no one is allowed to grief. BUT, that doesnt mean that bases are protected.
  17. I caught BOTH of these PUNKS .....IN THE ACT !!!!! And .....there was no staffer on at the moment to help :(
  18. If you mean in game, i hope you spammed your F2 button.
  19. We have numerous tools. Far more than any server you will find, as has been mentioned before. I think that you neglect the absolute fact that ANY OBSTACLE can be overcome. Look at software and piracy, in the real world. There will never be an absolute solution to stop it, and this is the same for us.

    Also, you seem to think that things should be instantaneous. That is just ludicrous. We are not a police state.

    As far as "more staff online" goes... I am moderating on a flight from Chicago to Philly right now. Flight 3314 if you are curious. I paid for in fligh wifi, so I could moderate.....and the rest of the staff is just as (more) dedicated.
  20. did you take screenshots? videos?
    PM those to a Mod, and they will do what they can.
    But still, publicly calling people out on the forums like that is not good.
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