A sexed-up game of Risk. Rules: 1. You start out with 4 countries of your choice, 2 military, 2 agricultural. Each country you start with has 1 army in it by default, and you need to keep at least one army in a nation to keep it under your control. 2. Areas can either be Military, Agricultural, Industrial or Academic, when you invade a country you must select the area to be one of the 4 types or the invasion doesn't count. The types are explained at the bottom-left of the picture. You may change an area type at any time. 3. The game is turn-based, going in the order at the bottom-left of the picture from top to bottom. If you want to leave, say so. You may transfer your countries to another nation. 4. You will not always win. 5. To invade a country, you must move an army to it. 6. For an army to use food, they must be either in an agricultural country, in a country bordering an agricultural country (which includes if they are connected across the sea by a line) or bordering a country bordering an agricultural country, or bordering a country bordering a country bordering a agricultural country, etc. Any army disconnected from an agricultural zone will die on the next turn, unless you turn the zone or zones they inhabit into agri countries. Armies inside an agri country consume 0 food. You cannot make new armies if there is not enough food. 7. I can kick you from the game if you're playing unfairly, and insert new rules as I see fit. 8. If you say you did something impossible or unfair in-game, officially you didn't do it. 9. You can make consecutive moves with a group of armies. So, if you have 8 armies in one country, you can move 7 armies to an adjacent country, then 6 armies to a country adjacent to that, then 5 armies to a country adjacent to that, and so on until you have a nice row of countries. 10. Agricultural areas make one food per turn, capable of supporting 2 armies. Military areas produce one army per turn if there is enough food. Industrial areas produce one ore per turn, which can be used to make tools. Tools, when applied to an area, make 0.1 extra army per turn, 0.1 extra food per turn, 0.1 extra ores per turn, and 0.1 extra research points per turn. Academic areas produce one research point per turn, which can be spent on better tools. So, you can increase a tool's bonus to 0.2 with 1 research point, then 0.3 with 2 research points, then 0.4 with 4 research points, then 0.5 with 8 research points, then 0.6 with 16 research points, and so on. 11. You must apply with this form: Name of your Nation (anything you wish): Location (a map pointing out the three areas you wish to inhabit is reccommended to minimize confusion, and showing which is agricultural and which is military): Chosen Colour: Now my application. Name of your Nation (anything you wish): Aissergorp Location (a map pointing out the four areas you wish to inhabit is reccommended to minimize confusion, and showing which is agricultural and which is military): see map below, Chosen Colour : Red This counts as a turn. When someone comes in, that's their turn, and I can then move. Once I move, they move. If someone comes in, they have to then wait until their turn to move again. Here's how the world currently is (might not always be updated, but I'll try to update it when possible): The game hereby begins.
Name of your Nation (anything you wish): Foki (Fo-ki) Location (a map pointing out the three areas you wish to inhabit is reccommended to minimize confusion, and showing which is agricultural and which is military): England, France and Germany Chosen Colour (determines which order you play in): Pink!
Name of your Nation (anything you wish): English Union Location (a map pointing out the three areas you wish to inhabit is reccommended to minimize confusion, and showing which is agricultural and which is military): UK and Spanish region = Military France region = Agricultural Chosen Colour (determines which order you play in): Orange
Sorry, the 'three areas' was a typo, you get 4 areas. The areas aren't countries, they're the bordered pieces of land on the map, which 4 of the bordered pieces of land on the map do you choose?
I made a typo, you get 4 regions. They can't be entire countries, they need to be the bordered pieces of land on the map.
UK is made of 3 counties though. So either Scotland, Wales or England. Also: England: Military France: Agricultural Germany: Industrial
Cant we just have a country? It would make things easier and have 3 countries than 4 areas or something
Would this be correct? Name: Promeor Alliance Color: Whatever shade of green that is, I think lime. Also, I noted that you have 4 armies, when you're only supposed to have one, just a bit confused by the rules here.
Can I have Italy? As well. And here my list: England: Military France: Agricultural Germany: Industrial Italy: Academic
Here it is again. Promeor Alliance: Color: Lime Green. (I'm modeling the armies based of your amount)
Name: Spanish United Nations Forgot to label my agriculture and military -_- Spain is Military, and so is Mexico. Portugal and the country just below Mexico (forgot what it's called) is agricultural. Colour: Orange.
With a largely peaceful orientation, Aissergorp expands throughout Asia, to the two largest countries on the continent. 2 armies are produced, bringing the nation to its top capacity of 4 armies in total. Both armies are deployed to China, and Kazakhstan and India are invaded. Kazakhstan is declared agricultural and India military. Nfell, how shall you move?