Planet Name: Kepler-20f Planet Orientation: Organic Planet Relationship: Neutral Planet Number: # 7 Other Notes: 34% of the planet's citizens are anti-robotic so may attack on sight. Also if the planet is attacked by any other planet that is organic, some of their attack force (21%) Will be infected with a virus that slowly re-tasks their mind to only grow cabbages therefore making them useless. also this planet is constantly raided by space pirates from a nearby planet so any attacks will be dealt with after a short period of time. One more thing this planet can capture enemy vessels and use them as their own
Kepler-20f's Government sends out a request to the citadel to send any pirate ships still operational to our ship yard for processing.
Kepler-20f sends an alliance request to the citadel and $800 as a thank you for eliminating the threat
Princebee Wonders why %36 of your population start attacking it. Princebee Sends A Virtual Presence Robot (Like from Big Bang Theory) to Lorien with hopes of learning how to use magic.
Kepler20f's Radar picks up something large approaching from somewhere in deep space we alert all planets we have allied with about this and to prepare themselves if necessary
Planet Name:Cinnabar Planet Orientation: (Robotics, Magic, Organic)Organic Planet Relationship: (Hostile, Neutral, Peaceful)Peaceful unless provoked, then we go all-out! Planet Number:MissingNo. Other Notes: This planet's number has been missing from the records for quite some time now, because of all the glitches near the east coast. When destroyed, it releases a virus that infects all robotics planets, turning the robots against the planet. It also has a 37% chance of catching Organic planets on fire. We also are a supply of Audminum and we own the 8th largest factory in the universe, Silph Inc. Our army consists of mainly these glitches, but we specialize in 'M(00).