[EVENT] Empire Minecraft Olympics

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by synth_apparition, Jan 19, 2013.

  1. Hi. I'm pretty sure you all remember my homepaged thread from August about the EMC Olympics. Well, I was about to cancel it but I fixed my windows 8 problem with batch files, and now me & mba2012 are continuing the event.

    The previous thread was a little old and I didn't want to bump it anymore. The contestants have now been reset as most of them went MIA or left. Now, onto the events:
    1) Archery (Shoot moving carts)
    2) Spleef
    3) Parkour
    4) PvP (Possibly survival games or just a PvP arena thing :p)
    5) Mob Arena.
    6) Building Contest
    All of the Empire's rules apply in this server.
    Want to apply?
    Why do you want to participate?:
    What role do you want (contestant, recorder):

    What server are you participating for?
    Also note that contestants, if they have a youtube or something, can upload their perspectives if they so please.
    IP will be given out in a PM.

    SMP1: Yankees518,
    SMP3: AlexHallon,
    SMP4: Nfell2009,
    SMP5: DragonFlame
    SMP6: Firehose_Dragon,
    SMP7: Jakres,
    SMP8: Codygraw101

    Also note that this requires Hamachi.

    I will add utopia once these get full. Also note it is 2 contestants per server. Here's to hoping it is by the end of this month, early or late February :p
    mba2012 likes this.
  2. You can use my server for some of the events if you need to :)
    EDIT: I saw yours isn't port forwarded, mine is, if you might want to reconsider. I can take your server files (just email me the .zip) and ill host it for the duration of the events, port forwarded.
  3. Why do you want to participate?: I really love doing events like this and having fun with loads of people
    What role do you want (contestant, recorder): Contestant
    Note: if you need help with anything just ask :)
  4. Why do you want to participate?: Because this seems fun! I applied for your earlier event too.
    What role do you want (contestant, recorder): Contestant, I may record a bit too.

    Edit: If you want help with anything, count me in!
  5. I don't need to :p I have my own.
  6. kk BTW why is this not under the Events forum?
  7. Are you participating for smp4? xD
    You guys are both accepted, by the way.
    AlexHallon likes this.
  8. How'd you know? :p
  9. I just guessed, seeing as all of your residences are on smp4 and you constantly blabber on about how smp4 rules and stuff. It was a completely random guess. Also, I have an extra job for you :p
    Can you create a logo for me?
    mba2012 and nfell2009 like this.
  10. When I saw this, I had this reaction: "Great, the 5 things I'm a boss at! :D"
    *Building Contest gets added* "._."
    SoulPunisher and nfell2009 like this.
  11. There is no events forum

  12. You're great at building - trust me. I love that little house you built on my res and your house at the LLO looks great :p
    What the burnt muffins is that? 0-e
  13. Going to ask a mod to move this now :p
    mba2012 and nfell2009 like this.
  14. Why do you want to participate?: Seems like a fun thing to do =)
    What role do you want (contestant, recorder): Contestant

    What server are you participating for? smp1
  15. You're in :D
    mba2012 likes this.
  16. Why do you want to participate: Because I want to be like more of the community and it sound fun.
    What role do you want: Contestant.
    What server are you participating for: SMP6

    Just wondering...do we pick the games or we have to it all?
  17. Do them all + you're in :)