No I attempted to nuke greenland for wiping Israel off the map (which he undid) I simply moved some of my forces into Europa so that I could attend the meeting.
um, no offence, but not really, I was just listing the people he annoyed. try annexing some 11 year old's country.
Plus I already realized it was a bad idea so I pulled my forces out of Europa, no hard feelings man, purely for political opportunity.
No risk no gain, I just started my country today, shouldnt have invaded you but it looked like an easy win.
Yes, the correct reason to invade a country is because it's a power-hungry superpower with the eventual intention to conquer the world in its entirety.
England wonders how so many nations came to be so quickly England works on increasing their population
Enlgand fails on increasing population. England continues searching the empty lan around them for anything useful.