The New Era (RolePlay)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. weird terms.
  2. Korea asks what's going on, as Korea was unwatched from this thread…:(
    creepincreepers7 likes this.
  3. Watch space cowboys and you'll get it.
  4. For fear someone will destroy the satellite, I do it for whomever and disarm and destroy the ICBM's. Got to go, try not to nuke each other ;)
    Daxter9133 likes this.
  5. Um there's a world leaders meeting in The Vatican City. Greenland is a violent dictatorship.
  6. Ok…:eek:
    The leader of Korea along with some armed guards head to the Vatican.
  7. Vatican City has produced the designs for thermal power, we will give these designs to any nation that promises to protect us in case of war.
  8. Canada agrees.
  9. Germany thinks that this meeting has been very profitable and maybe even built a new alliance or two. But keeping some of the most powerful people in the world in Rome for too long might prove a horrible idea.
  10. Agree ;)
  11. Vatican City has given plans for thermal power to Canada and Garmany we will still give out plans for thermal power to other countries.
    Vatican City begins researching better ways to mine in the ocean.
  12. Germany begins a new project concerning government agencies.
  13. Korea deploys ships around the globe.
    Equinox_Boss and Daxter9133 like this.
  14. France is back and wishes to attend the world leaders meeting.
    France has launched it's satellite and given it a creative name: The Satellite
    France is concerned about Greenland and begins research on a fall-out/ nuclear shelter.
  15. Its called using your imagination.
    penfoldex likes this.
  16. Its called this gaming being somewhat realistic for the time it takes place. Don't like it? Don't play.
  17. Japan's Leader Redwing suicides and takes himself out. :p
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  18. Laos begins is hit hard by a plague of unknown orgin. It causes insanity, dysentery, and eventually, death. Laos is 97 percent dead. Two percent had fled to other countries, and one percent is the government. The government hands over all technology to Canada, and with their last breaths, use their secret weapon. They detonate several nukes in space over Progressia, as well as a few on land targets, and releases various bio-weapons. Last, but the greatest, they managed to give information on several military designs of Progressia, by building their satellites with built in bugs. Laos then nukes itself.

    I got bored.
    creepincreepers7 and penfoldex like this.
  19. France heads to bed...
  20. NZ has finished it's model of a Huey. It's called the NH-90
    NZ wishes to ally with India
    NZ begins to work on aircraft