The New Era (RolePlay)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. You edited it, but ok.
  2. Greenland asks for an option to come, even if left out of a few conversations
  3. Monaco launches another satellite into space. It will be the detection part of Monaco's missile defence system.
  4. Major uprising starting in greenland. How does the government fair?
  5. Communist leaders generaly cause problems so unless America or Canada or Da Pope invites you I think it would be unwise of you to attend
    bitmonger20 likes this.
  6. Canada's new tank is done. It is a swimming tank. It has 75MM QF main gun, and two Browning MG's. Unlike the armored duck, which can just go across rivers and such, this can be dropped off in a landing craft 10KM off shore of the target. It has two propellers which move it around in the water. It has a water proof screen around the outside, which can be lowered or removed from inside. It is called the Goose180.
  7. Mexico has successfully made a thether to the moon. Coloniztaion on the moon is possible.
  8. I think the government was overthrown...
    New government is a monarchy. Invades mexico for colonization of the moon.
    Greenland begins producing 1 ton experimental atom bombs.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  9. No.

    Canada is worried that Greenland is up to something.
  10. Vatican City begins researching alternative ways to create energy.
  11. The German fleet moves toward Greenland. You are advised to not attack America.
  12. We'll share.
    smile3 likes this.
  13. Or me, or I will send my swimming tanks after you.

    Canada readies its landing crafts.
    Daxter9133 likes this.
  14. No, you will not. If you read the first page, anything that is not even REMOTELY possible for the 50's-60's, cannot be built.
  15. I agree with Canada thats a lil advanced.
  16. Monaco sends a satellite into orbit. your hint to what its intentions: "space cowboys"
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  17. I frown upon Space nukes
  18. ........Ask America 3 hurts
  19. America can defuse them, but only them, and one of the people on the mission has to be diagnosed with heart cancer.