[FREE THINGS CLICK 4 INFO] Which server do you call your home?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Gap542, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. Not on my timezone :p Haha

    But yeah, SMP2 4 LIFE.
    Squizzel_Boy and southpark347 like this.
  2. we have a tardis aswell.... smp4!
  3. SMP3 has tumble-weed and that's about it.
    Squizzel_Boy and nfell2009 like this.
  4. 5 for a year almost.

    With me and Dwight it's always fun =D
  5. SMP5 born and raised, relocated to SMP4 and got myself a nice little setup, though I am increasingly operating in SMP7, helping Lotad with his projects and integrating myself well enough into the LLO to get some traction when I go north and found my country.
  6. Let the wave of people from SMP4 advance! Go my army, kill them all! Mwhahaha (Opss wrong thing...)

    SMP4 :) Born there, grew up there, live there, will get banned there :)
  7. I think a Mod just combined two threads... The grief party and the poll thread.. lol
  8. LOL, ikr . The morning for the Aus is so dead on smp2.
  9. North of the LLO? You'll find me far north up if you keep going lol
  10. It seems like I have to intervene so all I will say is ...

  11. SMP3, FOR THE WIN XD, we have /fun, plenty of shops, and HAPPINESS XD

    Im sure that we have more than /fun, shops, and happiness, but i cant think of anything right now- wait, we have a firework show on a spawn residences- but besides that i cant think of anything else right now, so, yeah XD
  12. Mind me using your thread to decide too? I can only understand you because I started in SMP9 and there's very few people I'd miss from there, even if those ones are really nice but... Most of the time, the chat is pure shop spam or worse. I might be a bit irritable lately but I sometimes can't stand it and have to turn the chat off >_<
  13. Lol... i can see this slowly escalating. Im with Nfell here, pretty soon factional warfare will start! EMC will be split and torn and the war will be waged on each SMP respective towns. SMP4 rally and unify we will crush that use to opress us and we shall devour all that came after us. All that will be left is burning embers, TNT craters and the crying children of SMP1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9. Equip your diamond armour, swords and bows for tonight my brothers and sisters we are not wither hunting... we are are conquering!

    sorry... theres two sides me! i mean... come to smp4 its a really nice place we dont have any secret evil plans for the other servers. smp4 !!!!! (if you want to live!)
    ScarTheNinja likes this.
  14. I shall conquer you along with Wolf!
    WolfThunderblade likes this.
  15. I'm smp1. It always has lots of people on, there's always exciting things going on, free wool res, and soon an emerald factory.
  16. Kman, your feeble attempts to challenge us SMP4ians will be laughable! you shall come and throw yourself at a bedrock wall of power! we shall move forth and devour your lands whole. We answer to no one! the EMC Gods have been appeased and are in our favour! By the devine light of icecream cow we march forward to victory!

    Like all things death is inevitable! however smp4 will be eternal! "evil laughter" (sorry i think im going off thread topic :p)
  17. I've had 7426 on smp3 since the day I started, and when I bought gold I claimed a res on smp1 and I now spend the majority of my EMC time there.
  18. smp1 and 9 are so busy that they create lag. 2,3,4,6,7,8 and utopia are so empty that you feel lolenly. smp5 is busy, but not to the point that it creates lag. so smp5 is the way to go! :D
  19. Hah, prepare to be scared...


    o snap, i went there, ur going down! (plays still alive on portal) aww yeah XD

    and yes, i was listening to portal music while playing on EMC so now i no the whole thing by heart XD

    this was a triumph
    im making a note here, huge success...

    u wanna no what else is a huge success?

    SMP3, all the way, man, FTW, ur going DOWN XD