What mobile phone do you have? Sorta a random question i know Who has got a iphone? I have a HTC Desire S which ive had for almost 2 years now. Its a great little phone! Im posting this thread via my phone now. So what phone do you have?
For my 11th birthday, I got a Nokia c3. For Christmas 2012 (it'll be confusing for me if I say last year) I got a samsung galaxy ace. It's just basically a smaller version of the galaxy s2.
My grandma's old iPhone 3gs (She didn't know how to use it, so she sent it out to me and got a new iPhone 4s or 5 )
The Good Doctor does not allow Madder Red to have a phone. Edit: I just realized no one will understand this.
Droid X2 by Motorola, nice sturdy phone have had for 2 years. Bout to get Droid DNA or The new samsung galaxy