
Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by mba2012, Dec 8, 2012.


Are you coming to the LLOlympics?

Poll closed Jan 5, 2013.
YES IT WILL BE EPIC! 20 vote(s) 90.9%
Nah, boring :( 2 vote(s) 9.1%
  1. Isn't this just inviting griefers to the LLO?
  2. Why would you think like that D:
    ginnyb and penfoldex like this.
  3. Um....griefers are never invited, they always come on their own free will, and get banned by their own free will, too. We rebuild and get on with our lives, griefers stomp and whine on some other server. Strength in community is what makes the LLO so great. ;D
  4. I'm too cynical :p But it's something that could be a problem.
  5. Now, I just need about 10-20 stacks more stone to finish the stadium. I am cutting it fine...
    penfoldex likes this.
  6. MMR will come... He is realy famous... In the dark Side 0.O
    ginnyb and mba2012 like this.
  7. So guys... 47 hours and 6 minutes until the opening ceremony!
    penfoldex and BilboBaggins23 like this.
  8. When will you show me when where the LLO is?
    And what time is that at?
    In Terms of EST
    mba2012 likes this.
  9. Ok... In eastern Time its 5:00 so in mountain time it would be 600
  10. We will begin the tours tomorrow hopefully. I'm a bit busy due to finals, so ask mba about the nether route we are making.
    You could just use the live map…we aren't that far out and easy to spot.
    mba2012 likes this.
  11. Guys tours to LLO pickup will be 15243 on smp7 so just go there and wait.
  12. Can I compete in any events? If so, archery please.
  13. Sorry the entires for events have closed. Pen and I are working on times for events. Though I will try to fit you in.
  14. Thank you so much. Also, I am already at LLO, so I can get there quickly.
    mba2012 likes this.
  15. I am going to auction off an EMC Firework which will be used in the opening and closing ceremonies. So get your rupees together.
    penfoldex likes this.
  16. Thursday 3:30pm EST we will be doing tours to the LLO. We will be doing trips for around 1 hour(Others may do them for longer). They take about 10 minutes each.
  17. As I will be out of town for a funeral, I may not make it for most of the LLOlympics, so I expect screenshots of this stadium full of Minecrafters! ;D

    For now, this empty Chunky render will have to do...
    It IS a wonderful venue! ;D
    penfoldex and mba2012 like this.
  18. See you all at the Olympics! I'll be there. I will give extended tours at 8:00 CENTRAL tonight if I can.
  19. I will hopefully be there if i am not busy, as i am getting bored with minecraft atm tbh