smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. What's wrong with where the nether portal is now? That's where it has always been and where everyone is used to it being. Plus we would have to learn a new way to the portal from spawn.
    Jakres likes this.
  2. Nothing wrong with where it is now. I think it would make sense to move it to Grand Central though, since people often visit the Nether to travel to town. Besides, the current portal isn't working right anyways (sends you to Pig Island).
    Jakres likes this.
  3. Turns headset up to max...

    Jakres, mba2012, penfoldex and 3 others like this.
  4. The first accomadation in Jimbo town!
    It is a nature sleep out w/ glass roof above the bed!

    Attached Files:

    Jakres, mba2012, Philovanrood and 2 others like this.
  5. Yes but if it's moved, it will just bring you up in some new random place. Portals are broken. If you tear them down they'll just stick you somewhere else.
    Jakres likes this.
  6. Here is the diagram again and I included the hidden line so it will answer all your complaints.

    Obvious Note: This does not mean anything besides the benefit of the new line.


    P.S If the new line goes ahead, it will be called the "Taiga Line".
    Jakres and shavingfoam like this.
  7. By the way, someone died inside the Guesthouse and dropped all their stuff. Had some pretty nice enchantments. I put them in a nearby chest and locked it. PM me if it's your's.
    Jakres, mba2012 and zulu9 like this.
  8. You need used a rail map that shavingfoam has made then place where this new long going to be. The picture you are showing us lack information on area you want to build this.
    Jakres likes this.
  9. Ok, but can you draw it on top of the LLO rail map?? :)

    EDIT: Dwight beat me to it xD
    Jakres, mba2012 and Dwight5273 like this.
  10. It's not the actual map. I just wanted to settle the argument between me and btribble. The real map is coming soon.
    Jakres likes this.
  11. Here's the map for the Taiga Line (In green) although it is a rough copy and it may change shape in the future.

    Jakres, zulu9 and Jimbonothing64 like this.
  12. MADEON!!!!!
    Jakres and Jimbonothing64 like this.
  13. Portals are not broken at all. You just need to put them in matching locations. The nether portal should be placed in the wild location divided by 8. If you place the portal here, it will work every time. So, if you placed a portal at 800x400x44 in the wild, the nether portal should go at 100x50x44. The problem is that the current nether side of the link is in the wrong place.
    Jakres likes this.
  14. I improved the resolution a bit.

    The area in Red is my home property. I've dug down to bedrock, and there is no way through there at any height. You might be able to move this portion farther to the west.

    The area in blue is full of basements and other problems. Try walking around underground to see what I mean. It took me a week to figure out how to get the existing line through here. Many of the people you would have to get approval from aren't even on that often any more if at all...

  15. What I'm saying is when you exit the portal and it brings you out just a couple blocks from the original, that's the broken part. Even if you remove it, you're gonna pop up in different locations. I went mining with someone and we did this repeatedly trying to get back to where we were. We ended up with a ton of portals spawned all around in one spot. They have been like this since the last update. I guess maybe I'm just too stupid to make it work.
    Jakres likes this.
  16. When I was out there recently, I did notice that there were a LOT of creepers spawning under the seats. There were already a lot of holes, and I could see that someone less careful than I could unwillingly cause quite a bit of damage.
    Jakres likes this.
  17. Nothing is wrong with the existing nether portal, apart from the fact it takes you to pig island. I don't plan to remove that one, just tear down the other 2 ones that people have broken and eradicate pig island, making it like the nether portal spawn we already have.
    Jakres likes this.
  18. Mine entrance at Fai Lo Mura.

    He is a constant companion; comes out at night, stays all day. Always watching. Waiting.
    Even the ancient Herobrinians knew that he wanted more than a hug...
    Jakres, mba2012, penfoldex and 4 others like this.
  19. Hmmm. I have seen bad behavior when the two sides don't match up, say the vertical position is off and it has to find another location for the exit. This happens in both directions. So, if you create a portal in the wild, and that location is inside a huge block of netherack in the nether, it will make or use a portal in a nearby valid location. If you then use this portal that doesn't match up with the one you came through, there is a very good chance that you will come out some other portal.

    Here's how I usually work this. Figure out where you want your "important" portal. Say you want it in the back of a long hallway, and nowhere else. Create the portal there, hit F3, stand near/in it to figure out it's coordinates and write them down. Divide the X and Z values by 8 if you are creating the master portal in the wild, or multiply them by 8 if you are creating the master portal in the nether to figure out where the slave portal wants to go. The Y value does not get altered. Go through the portal, or go through another portal to get to the nether (or wild). Tunnel to the correct corresponding location, and build the matching portal at that location. If you try to build the matching portal more than 16 blocks (or so) away from where it should be placed, the system will attempt to search for a matching portal since it couldn't find one nearby. Here's where things go south. The searching code does a poor job sometimes, and will find a portal that is fairly far away when it could have used the one you made.

    Also, there is a fair amount of stupidity expressed in the LLO. I haven't seen much of it from you. :)
  20. Hello, I know that i am a hated man here, but here it goes. (read the who thing through, then you can rage).

    Mr. legit...i kinda had a good idea for the former Gnangnam, it wold solve all the fighting and problems , and i can get some of my respect/dignity back. This idea would be a massive community project, and you require all of you he help. It will make the area i cleared and abandoned look good/presentable, and would accomplish the goals of Gangnam, and every complaint would be taken care of.

    Here it goes, third time is a charm, i hope

    Lets turn Gagnam into the llo park/Nature preserve. I will replant trees, and create rivers, and make sure no further damage to the landscape. I will also repair the village, and expand on it by building a guest house and a West history Museum. I can turn the floating island into my house, and fix it up. It will have hiking trails, and various areas to enjoy with friends, or learn about the llo's rich past, oF he Gangnam fights (what i call these arguments).

    It will have no true "border", and just expand into the open land. Although, do to the nature of the park, i would ask people to only build in the village (it will be revamped, and have roads+i will fix up the old buildings). I will fix my old burnt building for historical reasons, and turn it into the embassy for my new company, the Heartless Corporation [which {contrary to the name} will be devoted to taking care the park and keeping the peace around the llo]).

    @MBA ,

    Perhaps we can use some of the land for the Olympic park after the Olympics, to the point of the Olympic park to be part of Gangnam, if you want. If not (and speaking hypothetically). i will respect your land. We, can develop other land for the "Gangnam (i got the find a new
    name) and "China town", and it would me in our best interest regardless of if i can build the park. I am looking at the possibly in the south, or maby even farther west. If we cna get Soul on our team, we could be unstoppable.

    @ Philovanrood

    I found some "ruins" in the village in the west. I think it would be cool if we both worked out a back story of the founding of the llo, with 2 tribes. Perhaps you can also help be build a archaeological dig int the west swamp, and document the Gangnam fight. Also, do you have a large number of renderings, i wanted to make a big slideshow to showcase the works of all the members of the llo's art work, set to awesome music.

    @ Dwight,

    Are you still going to build the west farm? Just wondering.

    @ Soul

    The reason i wanted you on my team is Matt quit (at the time), and he was the guy that kept me level headed most of the time. With him gone, i was scared i would snap and burn sompting important. I like the way you think, and need you on the teem, to prevent it form going belly up, and keeping me on track.

    @ Mr Legit

    You would make a greight addition the the team as well, and i hope you will buy into my idea, i think if we all work together we can make it look amassing, and to have a nice place to relax. I know i sead stuff i did not mean out of anger, and tend to lose my head form time to time, but i think you and Soul can help prevent that. Please consider my offer.

    @ the rest of you

    Well, there is my plea. I hope you like it and if not, please hate on it. I know i was immature in the past, but please give me one last shot at it, i promise it will be amassing.

    Feel free to hate.
    Jakres, mba2012, catwarrior7 and 9 others like this.