Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by emiyl0, Dec 28, 2012.

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  1. Guys check out what we're going to dance around and shoot fireworks around! It's at 9008 and i built it!

    Attached Files:

  2. ok i hope this is a big success!
  3. Eeeehhh low on rupees
  4. u don't need rupees
    when exactly did i say you needed alot of rupees
    + tommorow youll hav 1,300 rupees
  5. she meant it as lyrics XD instead of ehhhhh sexy lady!
    Jake_bagby likes this.
  6. oh lol but i have something 4 that --> "ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy sexy dirt block"
  7. XD
  8. look at 9008 now! it has 2 beacons! when you come on to 9008 it will probaly have 1 cause were only borrowing one

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  9. I'd be willing to dance and do lyrics.
  10. that be good we got fireworks now guys btw
  11. The Beacons ruin the look of it, they go straight threw the M.
  12. We can move them or they can be removed?
  13. theyre supposed to go through the M
  14. just woke up
  15. I think moving them to the little gaps that cut between the E - M and the M - C would look nice.
  16. gotta idea! pig cow sheep sword empire minecraft style ayyyyyyyyyyyyy lots of rupees :) also i got a amazon kindle and i sent tthis on it
  17. First of all do you even have someone like ICC or Justin to back you yet? More people would join knowing they support this because it would be treated like a more official thing than just a member making a parody of song. Also have you thought about the fact that some people feel they need more of a reason than"Its Helping EMC"? Some people feel they should get some form of compensation for their time and effort. There is also the CaptainSparklez thing mentioned earlier. I have heard that Sony still claims copyright while Universal hasn't claimed again. What if Universal and Sony see EMC Style and claim copyright. Even if we counterclaim what happens if they take legal action? You and ICC could be sued for money and EMC would most likely come to an end. Plus what about the actual choreography? Have you thought it out yet? Plus will it look good without a movement plugin? Also did you think about how much views the video will get? I have seen EMC videos that are pretty good but have like 6 views. If nobody wants to look at the video than the effort put in will be a waste. You need to someone who is popular YouTube to post it so people will actually go and look at it. I'm not trying to be mean I'm just pointing out some things you should think about before putting this into motion and to allow for others to put in time and effort.
    talukegord likes this.
  18. ok i tried to get hold of them admins but they havnt answered back
  19. Have you tried to see if they are online?
  20. Due to that fact that ICC is always signed in from multiple locations, he hides his online status so people dont think they are being ignored.
    SoulPunisher likes this.
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