I really do like this idea. BUT, only for alts. It would make it useful if you have an alt that is way out of reach in the wild and you need to flag something on that specific res. Ive had it happen before. Anything besides using it for alts has the potential for a lot of drama to unfold.
For that, on your main you can just use /res set [resnum] [flag] [t/f] or /res [pset] [resnum] [player] [flag] [t/f/r]. You don't need to be in town to control flags.
I've seen this variation of the /res command discussed somewhere before. There are also other commands and information I regularly have to dig through the Forums to reference. If we're allowed to use these commands and information, why aren't they documented in the Empire Guide? If someone can't find it when they need this information, it may as well not exist.
Have you ever typed /res info and it is super long and messy from Flags that have just been turned to false? Well - if you type remove instead of false - it won't further clutter it up with false Flags. If I could - I would show some examples, but am currently unable
No need to fear - eklektoi is here If you must know I've already messaged Aikar about something similar last week - we'll see what him and icc decide. Basically this is how my design would work: Res Command Perm Owner of a res's perms can only be changed by the owner or senior staff and higher, but people that the res owner give command perms to can give or take away other people's use, move, breed, or bucket perms (excluding the res owner's). (Idk if this is accurate, but i tried): Default: /res set command access = false [This Can't Be Changed] /res set (res owner) command access = true If /res pset %player command = true Then %player = Value 0 + (Numerical Order) If %player = Value 0 + (Numerical Order) Then %player != Value 0 If /res pset %player command = false Then %player = Value 0 If %player = Value 1 + Then %player /res command access = /res command use, /res command move, /res command breed, /res command bucket Else /res command access = Default If %player /res command access = true Then %player command to %owner access = void If you noticed above - I left out build,destroy,place,and container (those are for safety reasons) If it is not something similar than this - than it can cause serious breaching problems with peoples reses including griefing of chests, placing obsidian blocks around items, or even flooding the res with lava or lighting stuff on fire. Therefor, the use of the 'Admin' command can never be given out - as it's too risky - and something less worrisome like my design should need to be considered more primary over the 'Full perm access idea'. Hope this helps - eklektoi