Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by emiyl0, Dec 28, 2012.

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  1. Did you really need to respond twice?

    Also, I write lyrics in spare time occasionally, I'm no master but I can put words together that make sense with a tune.
  2. well i didnt really need to respond twice i just felt like it
    ok that would be great just message it to me thanks
  3. make sure they're about EMC
  4. Right EpicWeow4 we have a res! i will build a massive EMC on it and get people dancing!
  5. lol, and you did it again :)
  6. Psst, respond twice or he won't hear you!
    RainbowChin likes this.
  7. lol
  8. how come i have so many responses i thought id have like 2
  9. Maybe everyone replied twice and you didn't notice
    CommonSense_64 and EpicWeow4 like this.
  10. I don't know if this has been said already but there is possibly some legal issues with this, I am yet to confirm this but there might not be.
    SoulPunisher and RainbowChin like this.
  11. That is quite the point.
    CaptainSparklez himself did have his video taken down for a while due to a copyright claim.
    SoulPunisher and mba2012 like this.
  12. lol
  13. I think that was an error with you tube in the end. But he probably either had to give credit for the original maker or he had to request permission for use of the video. I find it kind of sad the amount of knowledge I have about law and politics.
  14. by the way i did remove the bits which were incredibly close to His parody
  15. But they will still have a claim on the music used.
  16. I want to join the EMC gangam style
  17. Coco lets plan this very carefull. We can do a Skype EMC gangamstyle conversatitons to be more perfect
  18. Really, I hadn't have guessed that from the post you made two minutes previously...
    PandasEatRamen and mba2012 like this.
  19. wow felino it was 1:22 am when you commented
    yes you can help :D
    i went to bed at 11
    and i aint got no skype account
    obruce126 likes this.
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