Random brain hiccups of mrlegitislegit...

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Feb 3, 2012.

  1. If I knew you I could say so much more to your face.So drop the tough guy act.;)
  2. I won't honor this with a proper answer.
  3. No you just get the mods to keep deleting my posts.
  4. I started over now. Her house is a kitchen which is also her bedroom and a bathroom. She's a traffic cop and makes around 55 bucks a hour.
    Crazy1080 likes this.
  5. I remember, back in the day.

    The Sims: Bustin' out
    You had to have FRIENDS to get promoted! :(
    ISMOOCH likes this.
  6. You still kind of have to have friends, you have to befriend your co-works.
  7. Yes, but that doesn't extend to actively seeking out 20 people and maintaining a healthy relationship with all of them.
    Importerer and ISMOOCH like this.
  8. If your in the political career, you need to be friends with lots of people for donations.
  9. But they come to you.

    And you don't need to talk to them at length every day to maintain a friendship. (Part of the reason why this was changed in The Sims: 2, people found it annoying)
    ISMOOCH likes this.
  10. I had Sims Dexule Edition on PC. I never got beyond the 3rd promotion purely because I could never be bothered. And no get me started on having a kid.
    ISMOOCH likes this.

    I'm on their forums, trolling them with rock music, and as I thought, they still think music stops at skrillex... A guy on a thread said KISS is for posers... You know, they have just been around longer then the cruddy music of today so their TOTALLY posers..
    nnnnmc1 likes this.
  12. Simple fix:

    Leave ROBLOX
  13. I have. Everyonce and awhile, I go on, just to see how many times I will facepalm because of it.
  14. I just asked them who were in the Battle of Caen. Well most people should know it was the Canadians and the Germans, their saying the U.S.S enterprise and the Klingons..
  15. Mrlegit as your brother i say its your fault YOU didnt save!
  16. I have gotten IP'ed banned off of Roblox. Nothing a little boredom and a perverted mind cant do!
  17. But now I cant troll any more. Any good sites I can troll on.
  18. They don't perma IP ban, so you can stop by in about a week to a month. If all else fails, proxy. ;) Though that may be illegal...
  19. Take it from someone who has been banned from a single forum 76 times. Proxies are your friends.
  20. I have just learned , that watching someone on the live map who you think might be coming to your wild camp to grief it, might get it griefted by a green, exploding creature.. I didn't lose anything. I fixed my house fairly quick. I just lost a sign