Random brain hiccups of mrlegitislegit...

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Feb 3, 2012.

  1. Guns? Absence of religion? Lack of self esteem? Poor parenting? The entertainment industry? Who's to blame for Legit's dirty warnings? Numerous professionals (and not-so-professionals) have speculated and mulled, publicly and privately, over what has caused Legit to destroy our moral fiber. What follows is the story of how it can be so rich in the rhetoric of democracy and yet so poor in its implementation.

    It has been revealed that Legit plans to exploit the feelings of charity and guilt that many people have over the plight of the homeless. First reaction yields that it wallows in its basest behavior. A little more thought leads to the more accurate conclusion that Legit pompously claims that it has mystical powers of divination and prophecy. That sort of nonsense impresses many people, unfortunately. Many the things I've talked about in this letter are obvious. We all know they're true. But still it's necessary for us to say them, because Legit's ignorant attempts to debunk myths often lead to the perpetuation of them.
    apamment likes this.
  2. What. The. Freak. was that ^?
  3. Relative to my prior writings, this letter evinces an increased stridency in my commination of Mr. Copherfield's perversions. This is because the worst kinds of disagreeable, pestilential gutter-bloods there are, almost by definition, dissolve the bonds that join individuals to their natural communities. Before I say anything else, I'd like to state the following disclaimer for Copherfield's benefit: Warning! This letter may contain sarcasm. Okay, now that that's taken care of, let me posit the hypothesis that Copherfield craves more power. I say we should give him more power—preferably, 10,000 volts of it.
    Do I want Copherfield to empty garbage pails full of the vilest slanders and defamations on the clean garments of honorable people? No, thank you very much; I would much rather stand up and fight for our heritage, traditions, and values. History has once again proved me right, as evidenced by the way that he refuses to come to terms with reality. Copherfield prefers instead to live in a fantasy world of rationalization and hallucination. I condemn his gross and systematic violations of human rights. I'm not just talking about the arbitrary detentions, enforced disappearances, torture, and summary executions but also about my previous observation that Copherfield does not merely demonize my family and friends. He does so consciously, deliberately, willfully, and methodically. He insists that he has no choice but to irrationalize thinking on every issue. His reasoning is that coercion in the name of liberty is a valid use of state power. Yes, I realize that that argument makes no sense, but I would truly like to believe that Copherfield acts with our interests in mind. I really would. But Copherfield sure makes it difficult to believe such things. For instance, he either is or elects to be ignorant of scientific principles and methods. Copherfield even intentionally misuses scientific terminology to bring about a wonderland of presenteeism.
    Copherfield claims that his activities are on the up-and-up. I respond that he throws the word "undemonstrativeness" around as if it had the same meaning to everyone. When people say that bigotry and hate are alive and well, they're right. And Copherfield is to blame. The dominant characteristic of his foolhardy beliefs is not that they extend an upas shadow over all that is right and good, but that, in the bargain, they shatter and ultimately destroy our most precious possessions. As the oft-repeated saying goes, "Copherfield's spokesmen operate secretly so as not to excite suspicion". The importance of that saying is that it reminds us that Copherfield thinks I'm trying to say that his insufferable coalition of mumpish couch potatoes and spleenful fanatics is a benign and charitable agency. Wait! I just heard something. Oh, never mind; it's just the sound of the point zooming way over Copherfield's head. Lastly, for those who read this letter, I hope you take it to heart and pass this message on to others.
  4. spam. like all the other spam. spammers spamming about spam. sillywhitemage was being creative with her "anti-mr legit spam" to highlight a point. seriously guys this is mr legit's topic. he agreed to post here. don't ruin it.
  5. I mean every word of my posts.
  6. of course you do. that's why i love reading them.
  7. ^^
    Seriously what green stuff have you been smoking?
    Did your gf left you today or something?
    Do you need me to call a cab? if yes then for what bar?
    Or you preffer a dog, to lead you home?
  8. I'm sorry that you are a simple minded human male who can't even begin to comprehend the unsurpassed well of knowledge that I hold.
  9. Guys! end of discussion! The situation was dealt with. There is no need for argument posts on here anymore....
  10. You started this war.I'd say that makes you a war criminal.
  11. If you guys DIDN'T notice the title change, this is for me to post my thoughts on stuff. Please, stop bringing subjects that do not relate to my own crap. If you want to go make a forum about me posting to much, you go do that.
    apamment likes this.
  12. I said End of discussion.... -.- Don't make me have to get a Moderator to make you stop you.
  13. :confused: Just a question, sarcasm?
  14. So you don't mind accusing people of stuff, but threaten to go to the mods if someone does it to you?
  15. Nobody was "threatening" or "accusing" me ........ The discussion is over and you need to stop seriously before a Moderator gets involved
  16. Skilled, Shaun renamed it for me. This is for anything that does not relate to the community that I post goes. Please, either post something about the subject that is posted, or move on please.
  17. Nope.All serious. :cool:
  18. You know, I think you guys might be going a little harsh on Mr.Legit. Yes, he has an absurd number of threads; Yes, most of them hardly have two sentences starting them off; Yes, some of them might be posted in the wrong sections, but it isn't entirely his fault. Instead of restricting him to posting his thoughts in a single thread, you guys should be helping him reel it in and articulate his feelings. Getting all up in arms about him having higher post count than the people who contribute substantial material is not the way to go about it. That's just childish.
  19. Lol, i will love to see you saying that to my face...
    ...oh nvm, you just say it because you don't know me ;)

    *anyways* Admins and moderators, i vote for this thread to be cleaned up. I can't delete my posts but you guys can, please do so.