The Cow Hockey Tournament!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by ItsMeMatheus, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. Math - suggestion ... winner of the tournament will be granted titles - and all proceeding tournaments - the previous winners could challenge the new winners for a grandmaster title (totally different from all proceeding tournaments for each tournament title, but the winner of the winners of the tournaments will be granted a emc champion (instead of world) title)
  2. Seems a bit pokemon-is for me xD
    But Idk, it could work :)
  3. Everyone should wear leather armor and due it their team color.
  4. Awesome. No butter but OK with me.
  5. Tournament 1 (this one):
    • Winners
      • Title: Cow Hockey Champions

    Tournament 2:

    • Winners
      • Title: Cow Hockey Champions
    • Winners of Tournament 1 and 2 can battle
      • Title Grand Champion; EMC Cow Hockey Champion; World Cow Hockey Champion (not sure which)

    Tournament 3,4,5...etc:

    • Winners
      • Title: Cow Hockey Champions
    • Winners of Current Tournament and (Grand Champion) can battle:
      • Title (For Current Grand Champion Status)
    Idk Where you got the Pokemón idea lol - but like normal hockey and boxing, this is how it goes :)
  6. On Pokémon you have to defeat several leaders (The gym leaders) until you get the best "title" (All the 8 badges) and then you can try to defeat the great leaders (The Elite 4), then you finally defeat the best of them all (The last person who defeated the Elite 4).
    That's kinda geeky, but yea, that's what I got it from xD
  7. Oh, I dibs sub if anyone leaves!
  8. Insert nostalgia here, that brought back so many old memories! :)
  9. Hey I hope you don't mind but his is a cool idea so I think I'll build one on my res if you don't mind.

    EDIT: stupid redundancy
  10. I'm sorry, but it's something kinda unique, so I really don't like the idea of having another arena.
    Another player has asked me the same question and me and eklektoi didn't like the idea.
    I'm really sorry.
    yankees518 likes this.
  11. It is fine! No hard feeling okay? I agree it's unique and if it was me I would probably want to do the same thin your doing. I guess I get to come up with my own thing.
  12. I hope the tournament does not run on December 10th, Im picking my father up from the airport and starting at 6pm central time I have a final for my Art Appreciation class.
  13. Well, I'm still seeing the exact date, but I though of something like Dec. 9th, or Dec. 15th.
    What do you guys think?
  14. They both sound great to me
  15. I was thinking the 8th ... But I think if we have to, we could do both of your choices ... first 4 matches be on the 9th ... Then the semifinals and the finals be on the 15th?
  16. Well, depending on the time, I can do it on the 8th. And I think one day should be enough. A match doesn't last longer than 10 minutes, so we should be fine with 80 minutes.
  17. What about a friday night even? (7th) ... or would no one be on then?
  18. I'm busy on Friday :X
  19. kevdudeman talked to me and he said he wants to give his spot to his brother, TheCrafter10.
    So quick change in the Iron Team guys.
    TheCrafter10 likes this.
  20. Guys, I need to know if Saturday the 8th is fine with you all.