The Cow Hockey Tournament!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by ItsMeMatheus, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. I really hope IcC doesn't get mad at me for using cows lol
    And I'm planning for it to be either this weekend or next.
  2. doctor octagonopus BWAAAA
    hey i would like to join a team in tournament also
  3. Please tell me which team :)
  4. What about a team name called Empires Rulers
  5. i dont know can you pick for me?
  6. All the team names are in the OP, please read it entirely and choose a team :)
  7. AKA green team. :p
    Nole972 likes this.
  8. I'll sign up :p Leather team is fine with me.
  9. Ok :)
  10. i pick leather actully
  11. Leather

    EDIT: Iron
  12. Guys, 1 last spot!
    Orange team.
    Who will take it?
  13. Jennypoo10 talked to me, and she said she can't post, but she's in.
    So that means... All the spots are filled!!!!

    Edit: Nevermind, she got to post xD
  14. Orange Team: Jennypoo10 :p
    jrm531 and onaj like this.
  15. I can't join. :( I might come watch. I'll donate 1k as soon as I can. I would like to play a game sometime.
  16. You can come watch, and maybe if someone gives up, you can play :)
    Oh, and 2 good news:
    I'm always up to a friendly :p
    And I might make another tournament :D
    Kman122000 likes this.
  17. I'll give my spot to kman. I ended up being called away to other things :)
  18. Oh, ok then. Kman122000 is on Leather Team, is that ok to you Kman?