1.4.4 Update.

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by ApricityXI, Nov 15, 2012.

  1. Well, with the current idea I'm pursuing I shall have you know I'm not making a single mistake, and it is you who needs to learn. When the LSCC is fully operational, we will be on track to becoming the ultimate force in Empire Minecraft and then the entire Minesphere, you mark my words.
  2. That's cute. Trust me, you won't be able to do it, your power hungry, and it's apparent to everyone. I'm only trying to help you, trying to make you realize that this won't work.
  3. Yes, I'm power hungry. I admit it. That is a fact, an axiom of my existence. There is nothing I can do to circumvent it. All I can do is fulfil my need for power in a civilised fashion. That's what I'm doing, right now.
    This project addresses the problems in all 7 of my previous projects. There is no reason this won't work.
    This isn't some cute little plan to make a small town in the middle of the ocean and declare ourselves kings and queens of the world, this is a serious, demanding endeavour which will work with the ultimate goal of redefining the creative boundaries of the Minesphere through an environment which encourages a lust for supremacy which will be reinforced through a great deal of secrecy towards the outside world. You can patronize us all you wish, but that makes no modification to how the scenario stands.
  4. Your deluding yourself! You have absolutely no idea how the world works!
  5. Oh, my apologies. Give me the grand Dr. SparerToaster PhD. 110% Accurate Guide to How The World Works. By all means, please do so.
  6. I never stated I knew how the world works. I simply stated that you don't. I don't know how t works too, but I do know how it doesn't work.
  7. Okay, give us that. Tell me how my moderator-approved 7-times revised system does not function.
  8. I joined Minecraft and when I hit the multiplayer button, I saw the servers had been updated to 1.4.5. I panicked when I saw that and pushed cancel and just slowly quit out of the game since I didnt want to have to find an updated version of the 13 mods I already have.
  9. Okay, how many people have actually supported you? How many were against you?
  10. 8 people are explicitly supporting me, and I plan to get 2-4 more IRL friends in to help.
    Nobody appears to be attempting to explicitly hinder the LSCC.
  11. BUT how many dislike the idea? No one can hinder it, because that breaks the rules.
  12. Well, I don't think the amount of people who dislike my idea is representative of how good my idea is. There have been many situations where an idea was proposed that lots of people disliked, yet it still worked. People laughed at Jimmy Wales when he described his idea for Wikipedia. People mistreated and mocked Vincent Van Gogh and his works of art.
  13. Be patient. That's what I'm doing ATM.
  14. This is hopeless...
  15. Yes. Yes, it is. Your efforts to deny I have a powerful, resilient idea are indeed a variety of the utmost hopelessness.
  16. You're efforts to control people are ridiculous and is something that would normally get you called an extremest.
  17. http://imgur.com/a/GqzrL
    I have a question, how is this a powerful, resilient idea?
  18. Okay, so now that I updated to 1.4.4, my game became absolutely miserable. It lags horribly, OptiFine wont allow me to play on multiplayer, my texture pack crashes my game, it takes forever to log in, and even with OptiFine on singl player, my game lags too much to do anything. I might not be on EMC for a long time.
  19. The LSCC? It's resilient because all problems highlighted in its previous reincarnations have been solved and not one criticism has brought it down yet.

    If you're talking about the Empire colonialist movement I proposed, disregard that, it was refuted due to a miscalculation I made.