Spanish Schools - Need Volunteers

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by 1MB, Nov 10, 2012.

  1. Yo podría ayudar....
  2. This is my third year of Spanish I'm the only guy in the class(best class ever) but still I only manage to know some basic stuff.
  3. I did a year of spanish, and HATE IT! I'm only joining this to see if I can get back into it without h/w xD
  4. Wut
  5. It is hilarious to read all those non-sense phrases :D
    mba2012 likes this.
  6. I wish I were you :eek:
    mba2012 and pat2011 like this.
  7. I did a spanish test today. Got an A but it probably made no sense.
    Chascarrillo likes this.
  8. I'm sure it made more sense than most of the "gato" comments on this thread.
    Gap542, ItsMeMatheus and mba2012 like this.
  9. What is a cat?
    A cat isn't a taco.
    supereskimo likes this.
  10. O RLY?

    Ps.: People from madrid are called "gatos" :D Just a curiosity
  11. D:
  12. yo se español, talvez podria ayudarles a ustedes
  13. No puedes. Has escrito tal vez junto.
  14. fue un error, perdon necesito mejorar mi caligrafia
  15. No pasa nada, pero además de tu ortografía necesitas saber cuándo poner acento :p
  16. ya se, ya se, pero normalmente yo no pongo acento en ninguna palabra :p, deberia, pero no lo hago
  17. Lol
  18. i durn't knuow spernish .... buht - imaz least knuow uhr gies bee taulkin bout' khatz :) i luv khatz :D
    mba2012 likes this.
  19. Puedo participar como profesor? Estoy muy bien el español.
    May I join as a teacher? I'm very fluent in Spanish.

    Note: I do use Google Translate for SOME things
  20. :rolleyes:...