[EVENT] Empire Olympics

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by synth_apparition, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. derp..
  2. Oh, okay. Well, if you want any help building, ask me ^_^
  3. You probably could and just host survival games on an island relatively close. And once the LLOlympics are done you should be able to use the stadium.
  4. Survival Games = PvP
    It's ment to be Minecraft hunger games.
  5. Oh. Then maybe it isn't possible.
  6. I am going to drop this bump here, to inform everybody that the EMC olympics HAVE NOT DIED. They will likely be hosted next month, or in January. I do not have an exact date/time/month, but they WILL be hosted SOON. This has took an extremely long time but I have been distracted with real life alot lately and I didn't have time for the olympics.

    I am finally coming out of this mess I got my life into and have cleared up my timetable alot more, but I still have some mental health problems to take care of, aswell as a medical problem that I have to take pills to 'cure'.

    For the time being you may enter this contest, which is serving as a 'filler' for now: http://empireminecraft.com/threads/contest-remember-remember-the-5th-november.17260/
    AlexHallon likes this.
  7. has this happened and if not, than when?
  8. If you read it correctly it says it hasnt happened....

  9. See...
  10. Bummer . . . Was going to pwn people with my wooden sword ^.^
  11. The event isn't canceled...
  12. Wow... I guess some people can't read
  13. I can read, but who's going to take his place?
  14. Me.
  15. I can see this event being on in the next few days. Everybody ready? Louiskw (I think you spell it like that) is hosting a server for me.
    AlexHallon likes this.
  16. We need another guy from SMP3, Migs doesn't seem to come and we have no subs.
  17. You spell it like that :D And yes I will be providing you guys with a server. Me and soul will be working to get this up soon!
    mba2012 and SoulPunisher like this.
  18. Just need your time zones and we should be set.