Show yourself! - Post a photo of you

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by klamepa, Oct 24, 2011.

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  1. XD
  2. Quote win.. :p
    And Twitch has a Handgun on his desk because he's cool like that.
    battmeghs likes this.
  3. probably. it wouldn't be the first time someone stole my idea before i thought of it :p
    lolkold, MR2R2M and Crazy1080 like this.
  4. Air Force, nice. I'm planning to join the air force soon. :)
  5. I am an American Soldier. I fight to protect the rights and freedoms of America. I would be an idiot not to live by them.
    As an American Citizen, I have the right to bear arms. As a Georgia resident, I have the right to protect my property and my family. I will die in defense of this nation and my family.
    Lun4rX, yankees518, szczak and 7 others like this.
  6. SO INTENSE! lol, but i am happy you work to server our nation
  7. :D Oh, and I own an iMac... Gotta keep them haters at bay. ;)
  8. You just have so many...
    Twitch1 likes this.
  9. You're not good at making hearts with yer hands. :p
    battmeghs, IPwnCreeps and Malicaii12 like this.
  10. Swag
  11. Tada! This is me ^^

    Mrsmiley99 and hayleycolgan like this.
  12. You also own, what is that 10C next to the mouse? :p
    awsomeantz1 likes this.
  13. Bahahaha, are those homemade 3D glasses? XD
  14. Oh yes you were, :) need we comment on everything?
  15. JUST, as on the portrait. Epic. And youre a good drawer :)
  16. Baaaaaaaaahh!
    You are flying a helicopter!
    Aw one of my big wishes, its probably hard isn't it. Still looks like plenty of fun though :D
    MysteryGamer106 likes this.
  17. Ok, I'll put a few up. Can't compare to the first beautiful poster in this thread though! :D
    My other hobby.

    One of the Simulators I work on. ARMY CH-47F Helicopter. I worked on real Army helicopters for 19+ yrs before getting into Simulation.
  18. Haha, nope that is a little red penny.. 1ยข
    I do have some Australian coins floating around here somewhere. I served with the Aussies in Kandahar in '09 :)
    MR2R2M and Mrsmiley99 like this.
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