Sweden completes the Trade Center Earth and the Sweden-Mexico tunnel, sending materials to Mars City to build "Trade Center Mars". Sweden keeps upgrading their Military, now having 1,800,000 soldiers + 500,000 War Machines. Sweden starts to reverse engineer the Mexican War Machines, hoping to soon building Upgraded versions of them. Sweden wishes to ally with China and France. Sweden's Allies (If I remember right ): Mexico United Kingdom (Might break...) China (Pending) France (Pending)
Mexico re-awakes and opens its borders. Mexico sends a warning to the USA's ('merica's) freedom force to not come anywhere near Mexico, and if they do, there will be bloodshed. Mexico offers to help with the bunker building operation.
Sweden asks Spain for permission to build similair Bunkers in Sweden, incase a War happens. Sweden also asks Spain for Allies.
Mexico begins to build the Trade Center of Jupiter, which will link to the Trade Center of Mars, and will eventually offer super-fast travel to the moon and Earth. Mexico, back on Earth, wants to use the Pound as their currency, like the UK does.
Sweden likes the idea, sending a group in a rocket from Mars to Jupiter to discuss the plans, so Sweden could help building.
Chas gave me an idea :3 Sweden starts making the game "Minecraft" in order to being able to play with other countrys and pretty much become friends. Sweden also starts building their Nuclear-Bomb-Proof Bunkers, hoping to being able to protect all the Civilians.
Mexico finishes importing an ecosystem to Jupiter! They now have cows for milk & meat, big cats to lower the population of deer, deer to keep grass from overgrowing, wolves to mark territory and eat deer. Mexico begins to breed these animals, to import them onto Mexico's country on Earth. Mexico also finishes Jupiter's trade center, and allows Sweden to build their road to Mars.
Sweden sends a team of Experts to discuss the "Tunnels" at Jupiter, hoping to have it done soon. Sweden also starts collecting enough Plants and Animals and an Atmosphere Generator to send to Mars, in order to create an Ecosystem. Also, development on Minecraft is still in progress, it's right now at Beta stage, the leaders of all countries are allowed to play it.
Kyrgystan Want allyness! Also moves away all troops into a central training cam with all the things for controlling my army there
UK reminds others that Jupiter is in control of UK too. UK Builds new shelters called the S1522 with a super dense material only available on a top secret location only I know about and we sent robots to collect it. UK Wants to work together in case of war. UK Will help is 'Merica attack in anyway or form
UK asks if Kyrgystan will move into the UK leaving their home country to be searched for resources, UK will provide brand new homes and are armies will more than double in size
Mexico informs UK that you can fit 1,321.3 Earths in Jupiter, so there will be no problem with space on the planet.
Sweden accepts Kyrgyztan as Allies, but still wonders if Spain accepted or not. Minecraft is now in 1.0 state, with 5 million accounts sold.
Mexico informs UK that Mexico were the first to wonder about getting to Jupiter, and are the ones who made conditions livable, and they have 4,000 Earths between them.