DAY OF WAR (Roleplay)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Oct 11, 2012.

  1. Huh?
  2. A terrorist. He also launched the nukes at Mexico.
    nfell2009 likes this.
  3. UK Is in bed no wars
  4. Mexican survivors dig up into France. They are skinny, starving, dehydrated, and are straggling across the floor like zombies. They are begging people for food.
  5. France gives food and shelter to them. Doctors rush to attend to all of them. France will harbor them for as long as necessary. The renegade is confirmed to be in the UK.
  6. The leader of the Mexican survivors, is the fittest of them all. He offers to track down the renegade.
  7. The French commandos agree as soon as he is rested and fed.
  8. Renegade blows up the Big Ben. :eek:
  9. France deploys troops to the UK. Parliament is in ruins.
  10. 'Merica sends Green Beret to track and bring Mexican leader to safety in "Merica
  11. Why? He was dispatched with the French Commandos to track down the Renegade…
    Renegade kills half the troops.
  12. No attacks. Mexico is sleeping.

    • Threatens to use force to annihilate the renegade if France does not take serious action
    • Satellite complete (operation Big Brother commences)
  13. France is working around the clock to eliminate the Renegade. Renegade bombs NYC.

    • Aid sent to New York City
    • TSA starts intense screenings and pat-downs.
    • A suspected member of the renegade is detained and being held for questioning
  14. Renegade is discovered to be a terrorist sect from all parts of the world. France begins lockdown.
  15. China accepts all peace treaties sent to it
  16. China begins to work on a new aircraft capable of anything war related.
    Called: Z-341
  17. Renegade sabatoges prototypes, construction is halted
  18. Renegade destroys the Eiffel Tower. France is devastated. France offers an alliance with China to stop the Renegades.