Mexico finishes rebuilding all of their cities. They begin to make a tunnel to the UK, that expands off to spain, and then France, and stops at Sweden.
Guys, I am taking a break from the computer in general. Keep this going if you wish, but please still follow the rules, to keep it fun.
Mexico explains that the tunnel will be used to transport items faster such as medicine, logs, and food.
Mexico sends 100 (1,000 bottles of medicine and 2,000 boxes of antibiotics per crate) crates of medicine and antibiotics to the UK through the new tunnel system, for the wounded soldiers and civilians.
Wait, what? We are allied, and Mexico has sent 100 crates of healing resources to you, and you say you don't attack, and then you bomb 3 of our cities?
France nukes Tijuana and Gustovo A. Medero. Tunnel on France's end collapses due to a renegade who also ordered the bombings.
Mexican survivors develop a free-force, and are living underground in one of their tunnels in poor conditions. They plan to attack the UK. The leader of Mexico is dead.