The weather at LLO (SMP7) is ridiculous. I know what it's supposed to look like and there is definitely something wrong with the storm here.
Yeah, its like constant lightning.. EDIT: This was my thirtieth post. *squee* I've upgraded from new member!
I've noticed it being a bit much with all the lightening but I don't think someone could just hack the weather without Aikar or Justin noticing. Unless aikar is just having fun with the weather.
Aikar is smiting all of you because (most likely) a lot of you say his name wrong! Haha, i honestly have no idea, but it has happened on 9, 5, 1, _, and 2 for me before
Welcome to LLO where everyone is nice "most of us" and where the weather is more bi-polar than Texas weather \ also its been like that since i been there back in March it becomes the norm after awhile. Watch the video Secret recorded couple months ago its pretty crazy lol
Yeah the weather and day/night cycle are crazy. The storms I'm used to, they just do seem to get a bit too extreme sometimes. The day/night cycle irritates me because it seems day lasts two seconds and night lasts twenty minutes. Never fails, it can be daylight until I walk outside and BAM dark and mobs everywhere ;^;
That place should have a Mob controller.. Like some sort of dark room for all the monsters to spawn(Needs everywhere outsdie lit up) and boom no m0bs killing people..