June 10, 2012, the greifers invaded. They first stuck in the wild, and then moved to town. You might ask," But the town is protected?" Well, not when the army of greifers are also hackers, who can hack into the server, and change how it works. They raided everything. SMP1 was first, then second, and then 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, and 9. "Well, what about 3?", you might ask. SMP3 was turned into the army base of EMC. This is where ICC and Justinguy, along with the mods, started planning on how to defeat them. "Why didn't they just ban them?", Well, because they also changed that too. I'm Officer Legit, and this is my story. *Rest coming soon. *
I am Colonel oidgod of utopia. I have managed to defend utopia. Smp 3, we need more troops! Were about to loose utopia!