Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. Finally got a seasonal and a red! :D

    Doing pretty well getting couples (M/F) :D

  2. Attempted to get a magma, got a Red Dragon instead.

    Take it.
  3. Got it :)
  4. owwww yeeeah got a vamp dragon egg!!!
  5. Ive never gotten a egg gifted to me for me.
    Please send me a rare egg?
    Preferably thunder or magma dragons.
  6. I just wanted to have a vamp dragon, even though it isn't much valuable ^^
  7. Ive never gotten gifted
    I really want a golden wyvern gift if anyone wants to :)
  8. My tsunami loves you all, that click it that is.
    Seberling likes this.
  9. I loves me.
    And you can be loved too!
    Just click the eggs/hatchlings!
    Limited offer!
  10. Missed another cheese.
  11. Any success?
  12. And what the heck is a dorkface?
  13. Some random dragon lineage. BTW, Zoe, I have a CB Thunder for you.

    And...my Pink is male! Yes!!!
  14. What for free ( probably not ).
    What will I have to trade for it?
    If it is free, send it to me now when I'm not egglocked.
  15. Are you too overburdened with Bronze Tinsel requests?
  16. I won't give it away.
    Be nice and just give it to me :D?
  17. I meant when it grows up.
  18. And I asked first, so I'll also trade you a (hopefully) thunder thuweed.
  19. I'll breed stuff on my scroll for falls... PM me with requests.
    Seberling likes this.