Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. Actually its a bronze tinsel, I dont want to trade it, its one of my first, please chooose another.
  2. That's really the only one I want. How'zabout you let it grow up, breed it, and trade me the offspring. (Tinsel)
  3. whats your guys favorite way to get eggs?? (glomp, DC forums, AP, off the cave) because i only hve 1 rare, and thats because crazy gave it to me (thanks! :p)
  4. I think I have one
  5. Tried to breed a thunder to give away, got a tsunami instead.

    Take it.
    Terr likes this.
  6. AP
  7. Ga Grabbed the tsunami!
  8. My egg's are named after egyptian thingies
  9. probably taken, so add a group name. should be pretty random. mine is galkra!

    edit: no offers on my summer??
  10. Mine is after Latin words that relate to the dragon.
    Use google translate to see what they mean in english
  11. Crazy, I just got a CB Thunder, if you want to give that away.

    If you don't want it, I'll hold a little raffle.
  12. Can I have it when I'm no longer egg-locked / your magi's have charged? I want to get 2 to breed PB's and give em to ya'll
  13. Whats glomp?
  14. Dragoncave gifting thing thru the forums
  15. Thanks :)
    I got a pink and black egg.
    I can breed blacks if you need any.
    I can also breed golden wyverns, nebulas, embers ( maybe ), and seasonals ( maybe )
  16. Cave and DC Forums. I honestly don't care about saving dying pixels in the AP. ;)
    Where you randomly give somebody an egg. RED_Spy does it a lot...
  17. Nice dragons guys, haven't been on in a while so I didn't get to click them as much, but I see some sick dragons that deserve clicking :p
  18. If someone could randomly gift me with a magma, that would be great. :p
    Seberling and AlexHallon like this.
  19. My magma becomes an adult today, so I'll try.
    Qwerty189 likes this.
  20. Yay! :D