Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. Okay... Thanks...
    I really wanted to get a GoN before you...
    Looks like my only hope now is a neglected...
  2. Starting a new round of incubators.
  3. Oh no...
    moyaboya likes this.
  4. Bask in the glory of my eggs.
    My golden wyverns will thank you if you click the eggs.
  5. Missed a chicken! :(
  6. Missed ANOTHER Chicken! :(:(
  7. Missed a THIRD Chicken! :(:(:(
  8. Speaking of Golden Wyverns, I traded a CB one with Rubyshoes on the DC Forums for this ice.
  9. Well I have a ice, too.
  10. I need to get on the DC forums...
  11. Do you have the whole trio? Just wondering.
  12. Ive really been trying to get that, I need the thunder and magma dragons.
    But on the bright side, I have plenty of rares.
  13. I could trade you a thunder, please send me a like to your scroll.
  14. I'll have my whole trio once this Ice grows up.
  15. Hmm, well then.
  16. Pelease click bomb this guy! He needs it!