Show Yourself 2.0!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by IcecreamCow, May 4, 2012.

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  1. You look pretty Juliana or Melissa, I forgot again.
  2. melissa C:
  3. Yes, you look pretty :p
  4. At one of my side jobs. This is around hour 32 of 41 straight. I should not have sat down :)
  5. I lol'd so hard!
    vividOptimism and jkjkjk182 like this.

  6. yer, i work out
    melk73 and BeKaLuSa like this.
  7. "Nah I'll be fine, need to take a break" 10 minutes later "ZzzZzzzZ"

    Isn't that the guy they show on TV on that documentary where his muscles "exploded" and he is stuck that way no matter what?
  8. And that's why you don't just copy a random picture off of the internet.
    Xxandster700xX likes this.
  9. Yeah, we've had several do that. Scott Dusick (Karkrashian's), this guy, Ryan Gosling....probably more but I don't care to go back and look.
  10. You look so much younger in your profile picture. :D

  11. I'm on the left (Striped jacket)

    This is me (3 weeks old) and mah bro (not biologically) Adam :3 (Noobman64's brother)
  12. You look older than 3 weeks... And isnt it a requirement that you are at least 10 weeks old to play here?! /trolololololololol
  13. I mean the photo is 3 weeks old -.-
  14. You missed a part;)
    connor_1116 likes this.
  15. connor.jpg

    This is ME!
    im 12 years old
    almost 13
  16. yer dats me
  17. You must be in terrible pain, what exactly is this disease that caused this?
  18. BUFFerartis
    He took steroids to make his arms to about 27 inches. But then he got an infection from using dirty needles to inject himself with which filled his biceps with an extra 2 inches of blood and puss.

    They apparently got so full they popped and bled and whatnot.
  20. kinda true should i show u my new shape
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