Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. Traded the yellow to SSF, Caught a Purple one later.
  2. Space shuttle fan?
  3. Okay. I'm desperate, though... XD

    I'll see if i can get you something. What's your price?
  4. Yeah.
  5. Have any non-vamp holidays?
  6. Nope... Darn. :(
  7. Well if you get one, let me know.
  8. Yay, my autumn, hellfire and red hatched :D
    Edit: Actually, just the autumn and the hellfire :p
  9. Now my red hatched. And I got an Olive.
  10. I'll take it :3
  11. Got an Ice egg/hatchling?
  12. Oh, good, my Fall matured.
  13. I'm waiting for Halloween 2012...
  14. Got a CB Red this drop.
  15. With the exception of that Ice, you do seem to have bad luck... want a free paper if it doesn't die before one of my Magis cools down?
  16. No :( but its the last I need of the wyvern collection
  17. Sure, Why not? I would perfer it if it was a hatchling so it doesn't max my egg cap.
  18. Hallelujah. Lookie there.
  19. May I have a magma then?
    Looks like you always get something right after I do except for the magma.
  20. My magis need some cooldown time, so I'll PM you when I have an egg.