Am i the only one?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by TheRobotChicken, Sep 13, 2012.

  1. Ya on SMP8 like everyday theres at least 1 new person.
  2. Me too for some reason EMC is becoming boring in fact Minecraft it general is getting boring to me for some reason.... I dont like that :(.. something is wrong with me lol
    oidgod likes this.
  3. Boredom is the lack of imagination. If you feel bored, use your imagination to create something, or use it to think of something to do on here. Make NEW friends. Doesnt have to be new players, just talk to the regulars who arent on the forums.

    Heres a thought. I will make it extra big, so that it is noticed.
    EMC isn't boring, the only boring things on EMC are the players who claim it is boring.
    Think about it. When someone says "EMC is getting boring, all the old players are gone", Captain Sarcastic inside me says "Well that sure was exciting." If you say "Im getting bored of this" guess what? You are going to get even more bored. I will tell you all a story. I hate school dances. When i went to the homecoming dance with my girlfriend, i mentally told myself "Well this is going to be a sucky night." IT WAS. When i went to prom (a dance haters nightmare), i tested something. I told myself "This is going to be one of the greatest social events of my highschool career" over and over again. Guess what! It was awesome! I even went to prom with 9, one day old stitches on my cheek, and a raging headache. It was still fantastic!! The point of the story is this. If you tell yourself that you are bored, you will be bored. If you tell yourself that you are going to have fun today, that you will start a fun community project, that you will host a contest/competition, etc, you WILL have fun.

    Another fun fact! Boredom is purely mental. EMC is a program on a physical server. See what im getting at? EMC is not boring, because it is not in the mind of any player. EMC will ONLY be boring when someone uploads the files, and hosts the program/server during a bored mood.
    /end rant
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  4. You're the only one. But I see your point.
  5. There is this new thing called VOTING for EMC. I am making a conscious effort to vote everyday. I realized that most people find this server by looking for Minecraft forums and I came to this server because it was high ranked. I think that one of the tips should has to be a link to the voting page as it is a valid tip about how to make money. As a matter of fact right now I am going to make that a suggestion on the suggestion page.
  6. Been around about 320 days.. First login 1 hour before smp2 went up. I'm taking a break too, but will bound back at 1.4
  7. Well, EMC is by far the best server ever.
    And to prove it tommorow is my 365th day.
    AlexChance, ZBSDKryten and mba2012 like this.
  8. Have you tried Guild Wars 2? :)
  9. I hae noticed that EMC has lost alot But the new updates should do the Trick its Like EMC expansion Pack
    AlexChance likes this.
  10. Where did justin go?
  11. He has moved around America twice, new jobs.
    mba2012 likes this.
  12. Join the Mercury Team.