Hello! As I will soon be reaching my 100th day on EMC, I thought that I would have a little giveaway just to celebrate.I admit the prizes aren't that much, but at least wanted to give something back to the community.So, as it's usually done, pick a number below and once they are all chosen I will pick some winners through random.org. **Winner are below, red name means you won.Head to 10398 on smp5, chests are on top floor of my house.** 1. Orlandont2. Biscuitboy53963. fluffinator094. firefromwithin5. hayjam6. TomvanWijnen7. margaritte8. Torian429. bucky29110. battmeghs11. codygraw10112. o0_Jetfire_0o13. Kman12200014. penfoldex15. jrlizard16. Qwerty18917. AlexHallon18. Highbuddy19. josh30301120. Lukas3226 I will also be having a small lottery as well.If you want to enter just buy a dirt ticket for 100r from me at my res (10398) on smp5.(In my house, top of the double stairs.)The current prize stands at 2,000r but it will be increased if more people buy tickets. So, if you enter 1, or even both.Good Luck! 3kWMJ
I would like to take any available slot, please and thank you. Also, once I'm able to reconnect, I would like to participate in the lottery.
happy 100th day, i went past mine without knowing and now i have to wait for my 200th one can i have number 12 please?