Vote for EMC - Get rupees off me

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by JackBiggin, Sep 3, 2012.

  1. Unbenannt.png my one, I cutted the publicity:D
  2. Thanks Jack :) After things calm down here with Bug updates, Animal Control and Dragon Tomb updates, We will be looking into boosting the voting system (potentially increased reward) with more reminders and such, but every vote even before then helps!

    Remember, EMC needs your votes to help get even better! We are not even on the top of the leaderboards for votes... Imagine where we would be if we were :)
  3. Lukas3226 likes this.
  4. Ok I was on my iPod so I couldn't get the date in so I put a picture of my rupee history

    Attached Files:

  5. Please dont have in game reminders... its one of the things that I love about EMC there are no MSG's from the server every 5 seconds with begging for votes and or donations... 2012-07-18_20.13.21.png
    Gap542 likes this.
  6. Yup, that's fine. :)
  7. So, we can enter more than once, right?
  8. Yep :)
    topdawg657 likes this.
  9. Here's todays! Vote2.png
    Don't want you people knowing how many rupees i have.. *shifty eyes* :rolleyes::p
  10. FAIL.png
    Day 2 BAY BAY!
  11. I kinda messed up, but under the "Last Updated At" thing, you can tell that it was today. :/

    Empire Minecraft - Multi-Server - Minestatus - Minecraft Server List.png
  12. Numero Tres! (Number Three, for the uneducated masses :p)
  13. Sorry for being so late at accepting there >.<
    All accepted :)
  14. Guess what? More Rupees!
    Due to a very generous donation from mtp1997, I am able to open up more voting opportunities and award more rupees! You can now earn 50r + 200r off me a day, that's a total of 250r a day, just for voting! How, you ask. Well, here's how!

    You will earn 50r for voting at Planet Minecraft. EMC does not award rupees for this, so it is only 50r, and the screenshot must be of the vote confirmed page. Here's an example one:
    Planet Minecraft.png
    Link to Planet Minecraft Page:

    Now, EMC has every server listed on Minecraft-MP, and each time you vote for an EMC server there, you'll get 10r, a total of 100r. There is no message when you vote, so you need to vote, then hit the vote button again and fill in the captcha again so that the "you've already voted message" appears. Here's an example screenshot needed:
    Planet Minecraft.png
    Remember, you can vote on MC-MP for each EMC server, here's the links for each one:
    Enjoy the rupees! Remember, this is an extra 11 chances to get entries to win the reasonably priced prize.
    IamSaj and mtp1997 like this.
  15. It seems like a lot of work.....
    *Votes for all 10*
    catwarrior7 likes this.
  16. that's why i have a program where you can choose where the picture is.
  17. Minestatus!
    Planet Minecraft!
    Minecraft Multiplayer!
    (This counts right?)(Because of the underlined part?)